Chapter 4

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~ Layla ~

The party had obviously been going on for a while when we got there; that much was evident by the empty red solo cups strewn across the yard and the small stack of already – full garbage bags outside by the trash bins. There were people everywhere; smoking outside on the steps and by the tree line to the side of the house, people dancing and drinking inside, and people just standing around talking and having a good time with their friends.

"Hey, I'm going to go to the bathroom," I shouted to Bryan and Anna over the loud music. They nodded, signaling that they heard me. We were dancing in what I assumed to be the living room, with the couches pushed to the sides of the room and other furniture moved out of the way as well. We had been drinking soda in the cans in the fridge that were available for anyone who didn't want to drink, which I thought was nice of whoever was throwing the party.

After about an hour of dancing and having a surprisingly good time, I had to pee - badly. I walked off in search of a bathroom, but when I found the one downstairs bathroom, there was a line of girls waiting outside; why was there always a line for the girls but never the guys? I sighed and turned around, making my way slowly to the stairs, pushing past sweaty and drunken bodies in the process, hoping to find a bathroom empty upstairs that I could use since now I really had to pee. I edged my way past the couples and randoms making out in the hallway and on the stairs and searched for an empty bathroom, groaning when I couldn't find one. Who didn't have an upstairs bathroom? Maybe there was an en suite I could use; surely there had to be at least one in this huge house.

After accidentally opening the door to a scarring sight – and rapidly shutting the door as well – I found an empty bedroom. It seemed to be a boy's bedroom from the décor – or lack thereof. It consisted of a simple king-sized bed, blue walls with some band posters, a black dresser and a desk with a closed Macbook laptop on it. I gazed around the room until I found a door on the other side, a few feet away from the bed. Walking over, I silently prayed to find a bathroom.

"Closet; damn," I muttered to myself. Looking around again, I saw another door a few feet away. "Please, please, please be a bathroom," I begged quietly. "Eureka!" I shouted when I opened the door, quickly running inside and locking it behind me. I sighed happily as I washed my hands afterwards, relieved of the horrible pinching feeling one gets when their bladder is too full. I turned the light in the bathroom off and opened the door, walking back into the bedroom, about to head back downstairs when I heard someone's voice from outside the door. The doorknob turned and instead of just awkwardly explaining my presence in this room, I panicked and ran into the closet, hurriedly shutting the door behind me just in time for the bedroom door to open. I held my breath, backing away from the closet door and hiding in between hanging shirts and jackets while hoping fervently that whoever was in the bedroom didn't open the closet door; talk about embarrassment of the century. I could see it now.

"What are you doing in the closet?"

"Oh, you know; just observing the...coats." Gosh, if people didn't think I was weird before, they would if that happened. I expected the intruder to only grab something and leave, but then a second, feminine voice joined the first and the unmistakable sound of the door closing and locking could be heard, even from my hiding spot in the closet.

My eyes widened in horror as my hands clamped over my mouth so the sound of my panicked breathing couldn't be heard. These people – whoever they were – had no intentions of leaving anytime soon, and that was confirmed when the first – of soon-to-be many – moans slipped out of the girl's mouth. I wanted to cry, but all I could do was sit down, cover my ears and wait.

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