(Pt.15) Change of Pace

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[Your POV]
Trapped huh? Chained up like a dog. I want to get out so bad. I messed it up, twice. I must look weak to everyone don't I? Like someone they can just push around, and because I'm a girl at that! They all say they love me they love me they love me they love me they love me they love me. Let's see how far their love will go.

[Oikawa POV]
"Sugawara, I'm heading back into town again since I'm the only one who knows where to go." I said as I packed materials for a days trip.

"You've been going back a lot. Be careful okay?"

"No one there has even heard the news about us. We're no where near where we started so we're fine."

"You say that, but I have a strange feeling. Just be careful."


Sugawara is annoying. Making everyone do what he wants. At first we were working together so that we could be alone with (y/n). I have no reason to stick with them now, especially with me being the only one with access to this town. Food, water, shelter, it's all here.

The walk through the forest seemed to get easier every time, and soon, the town was in sight. I looked down at the note in my hand. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen? Kuroo said we needed these things from a drug store but what are they? I guess the people working there should know.

Walking through the town, I tried to take paths that were less crowded than the main roads as to not draw to much attention to myself. I entered the store and the bell on the door rang.

"Can you take off your hood please?" The lady at the desk said.

'Shit.' And there's cameras in this store, though I'd look more suspicious if i didn't take it off, so I did as she said.

"Is there anything I can help you with today?" She smiled.

I handed her the note Kuroo wrote and cleared my throat."Yes, I'm looking for these two things."

"Ah yes, just a moment." She walked past where I could see her, but soon came back with two bottles. "Your total is $8.01."

I payed and left the store, making my way towards the forest again. Kuroo could've just told me to by some pain killers instead of being specific with the names.

"Hey, Oikawa, is that you?"

. . . . .

I forgot to put my hood back up didn't I? I turned around. This is bad. This is really bad. "Ushi-waka? Tendou and semi too..."

"Long time no see Oikawa!" Tendou waved.

"You're kidding me right? This must be a dream."

Tendou leaned his head to the side, and circled me as if he were inspecting me. "Oikawa, are you alright? You're not looking so good."

"He's looking just fine to me, considering he's dead." Semi commented.

"Dead? But he's right here." Ushijima said.

"Yeah, I want answers too, right Oikawa?" It was almost like Tendou was teasing me. Is this a joke to him?

"Can you stop saying my name out loud here before someone hears you? What are you even doing here?" I questioned.

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