(Pt. 20) Surprise!

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"D-Disappear? What do you mean?" Ushijima asked. I never heard him stutter, but honestly, I would too if I was in his situation. Tendou did nothing but look at him, smiled, and waited. "But I guess we have been spending a lot of time here..."

What? What kind of power of persuasion was that Tendou didn't say a word. Not one. He and Ushijima didn't even make eye contact. It's like he knew.. like he used Ushijima's own mind against him. If not even Ushijima can defy Tendou then...

"No Tendou, we can't stay." Semi disagreed.

'Thank goodness someone said it.' I thought.

"Aw whyyy?" Tendou whined.

Semi cleared his throat. "Isn't it obvious?! I don't know why these simps were ready to throw away their lives for some chick, but I have a whole volleyball career ahead of me, and I'd prefer not to die a horrible death, so no, I'm not just gonna up and disappear."

Finally the first person to make sense in weeks. Maybe he'll snap some sense into all of them. If I don't report anything to the police and no one says anything, they won't go to jail. If I said something, and they did happen to go to jail, they could come back and kill me next. Just the thought sent chills down my spine.

"Semi is right tendou." Ushijima finally came to his senses too! Ah this is great who else? How many more. Let's keep this train rolling until there's no one left to keep me here.

"Oh? Is that it? Well tell coach I ran away. Wouldn't want a search party to come and ruin things." Tendou sneered. His monotone voice echoed from behind me. The clap up his hands nearly made me jump. "Well then, sorry (y/n). I can't stay here tonight. I'd like to grab one more thing before I make this my permanent residence."

What could it be now? A bat? More rope? Just more things so that more people can die? I don't want it.

"Ba-bai!" He waved and walked off.

Semi slapped Ushi on his back, making him snap out of deep thought, then they started heading in the opposite direction of Tendou.

"Finally, I can go back to the bus." I mumbled under my breath.

"Let's go (y/n)-chan!" Hinata leaped.

"But I'm your senpai—"

"You told me not to call you senpai remember?"

I do remember now.. The first time I went in that gym and met Hinata in person. He remembered. 

"O-oh yeah." How can he be so calm, so jumpy, after almost being sacrificed? If I hadn't done something then Hinata would be dead right now.

"Let's go." Kenma said as he put his hand on my shoulder.


Everyone that said they were gonna go to the bus walked away along with me, and all that remained were the "cavemen" that we had separated ourselves from. Tsukki could walk on his own now, but when he did, he gripped the area where he'd gotten shot. His face gave away the fact that he was in pain.


"We'd have a lot more room in here if we took the seats out."

"Asahi-san, you're the biggest person here. What did you expect when you said you'd sleep on a bus?" Tsukishima asked, clearly annoyed.

"Right heh..heh." Asahi chuckled. Instant regret was all over his face. I didn't necessarily want him to be here, but he hadn't really done anything. He's been a background character in this whole thing since the beginning.

Kiyoko unloaded the few medical supplies that were left for tsukishima and took a look at his wound. "Oikawa didn't do a bad job bandaging it up, but good news! If I can get some thin rope, maybe wire and a needle, I can sew it up, and you'll heal properly, as long as the wound doesn't bleed too much, you'll be fine."

"Oikawa went to get supplies before. Does that mean it's our job to go and get it now?" I asked.

"If so, I'll do it." Asahi said. At least he's doing something.

"I don't care who gets it. The sooner I don't have to be a hindrance the better." Tsukishima looked out the window irritated. I never really saw him as a hindrance or inconvenience. We haven't been able to do anything but sit around these woods anyways.

"It'd be best if we all got some sleep." Kenma said as he laid down on the bus seat.

"Finally sleep!" Hinata cheered.

I walked towards where Hinata was sitting and sat across from him as he took off his shoes. I could still see the marks that the rope left on his neck. A sad expression spread across my face and I guess Hinata took notice.

"(Y/n)-chan," he looked up, "it was you that saved me right? Thank you. Thank you so much." His voice was calm but his face showed genuine gratitude. His eyes look like they could well over any second, but he held back, and instead laid down. "Goodnight everyone!"

Goodnights from everyone else rung throughout the bus. When's the last time I had the chance to say goodnight to someone. When's the last time I was able to go to sleep peacefully on my own, instead of blacking out. It was almost a breath of fresh air. It was... peaceful.

The next morning, the thing that woke me was the sunshine through the windows. It was quiet. Something had fell off of me and onto the floor.

'A blanket?' I thought.

I don't know where it came from, but it made last nights' rest all the better. I looked across from me where Hinata was still fast asleep. I wonder if it was the same for everyone.

Kenma sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Good morning." His morning voice, his bed hair, the little stretch he did when he yawned, I couldn't help but chuckle at how cute it was. "What's so funny."

"Nothing." I waved it off, but I still couldn't wipe the smile off my face. He gave off a smile in return. I don't know when's the last time I was given a reason to smile either.

As the day moved along, everyone else started to wake up too.

"So who is it that got the blankets anyway?" Kiyoko asked.

"Oh it was me." Asahi smiled.

"Thank you. I noticed them but didn't say anything about it." I said.

"It's no problem."

"Wait. Wait a damn minute." Tsukishima started mumbling to himself from the back of the bus. No one was really talking, so even his rambling was audible.

"Tsukishima, whats wrong." Kenma asked, sitting up on his knees to see him.

"W-when I got shot, Tanaka took the gun from Yamaguchi."

"Right?" Hinata nodded.

"Tanaka died in a fire. If the gun was still on him, the gunpowder in the bullets would react to the fire and the gun would basically burst open, making a lot of noise. Even from the building, we'd hear something like that." Tsukishima continued.

"I didn't hear such thing, and I came to the building at the same time that everyone was left out." Kenma agreed.

"Right. If we didn't hear it, the gun wasn't on Tanaka's body, so where did the gun go?"

We all took a deep breath and at the same time said, "Tendou."

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