(Pt.14) As far as we go

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[Your POV]
"You know, I'm gonna miss air conditioning." Nishinoya sighed. "And my hair gel. No more of this hair style."

"Air conditioning or (y/n)?" Tanaka whispered, but it was still loud enough for me to hear. Nishinoya just nodded.

The bus came to a stop. Kuroo stood up and turned to face everyone. "Okay this should be far enough right?"

"Yeah. Thanks for driving all this way." Daichi thanked him.

"It's not like I'm leader or anything, but we're all gonna die soon without food or water so I propose this: Daichi and asahi, you two can go get the water. Kuroo, Bokuto, you go get food. Oikawa since you care about tsukishima, you can leave to go find some medical supplies. You'll be gone the longest since we're in the middle of nowhere." Sugawara said. "The rest of us will stay on the bus."

"You're right. Who made you leader?" Kuroo argued.

"Just do what he says Kuroo. He has a point. If he wasn't gonna say it I would have." Kenma stepped in.

"You're just saying that because he didn't tell you to do anything."

"Let's go Kuroo." Bokuto stood up.


"The rest of you, let's play a little game okay?" Suga continued after the five of them left the bus.

Making my way towards where Hinata was sitting, I slowly asked, "What type of game?"

"Let's play a game I made up called 'what happened earlier' shall we?"

"And what do you think happened earlier, Sugawara-san?" Hinata growled.

"I don't know, you tell me."

"Hinata... just tell us what happened." Nishinoya advised.

"Nothing happened. You guys told me to make sure (y/n) was okay so that's what I did, and we came back."

Sugawara paused for a second. "Liar."

I froze. I could feel drops of sweat gliding down my face. This felt like an interrogation rather than a game. What was Sugawara trying to do here?

"Oi, if you're hiding something just spit it out. My life's on a countdown timer and I don't want to spend the rest of it listening to you two talk all day." Tsukishima barked from behind where I was sitting. Even though I couldn't see him, his words rung through my ears like he was right in front of me.

My breathing got heavy. To distract myself, I looked out the window and noticed the sun was already disappearing behind the trees. Had we really been driving for this long already? The bus was silent too. I hope I was the only one who could hear how fast my heart was beating.


My eyes shot back at Sugawara's hand. His snap echoed loudly throughout the quiet bus "Pay attention to me." He said aggressively. This is the first time I've seen him act like this. "Fine. If you won't say it, I will. Earlier when (y/n) was 'using the bathroom', she was actually trying to run away from us and—"

"You bastard, you let her run away!?" Kageyama grabbed Hinata by the collar.

"She's right here why does it matter what happened before?!"

"And you just decided not to tell us this information for what reason?"

"Like I said, why does it matter!?"

"It matters because if it happens once, it'll happed again, over and over until she actually does finally escape, and then what will all of this have been for?"

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