(Pt. 8) That's An issue

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(I didn't update for a while so here's two😝)
—𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙲𝚊𝚖𝚙 𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝟹—
[Oikawa's POV]
"I could've stolen the keys to nekomata's car and then we wouldn't have to walk to the store~" I teased.

"No. That's only drawing more attention to ourselves. There's too many bad things that could happen if we chose to take the car." Kageyama reasoned.

"I guess we'll never know."


"Tobio-chan~ why are you being so cold?"

"Look, there's the hardware store." He said picking up the pace.

"So this is what it looks like in a hardware store." Hinata looked around.

"Don't go around touching everything. We only came here for a few things." Kageyama told him.

"We haven't been in this store before. It might take us a while to get everything. It'd be quicker if we split up." I suggested.

"What kind of stupid idea is that. Even in a scenario as simple as this one, splitting up is a bad idea." Kageyama grumbled.

"Oh come on, loosen up a bit. What could possibly go wrong?" I chuckled.

"I could give you a few reasons. Would you like to hear them?" He snapped.

I looked down at him. Even when he wasn't being just a setter, he's calculating things and I hated it. I ought to get rid of him when the time comes. "No, I'm fine." I said walking slightly pass him.

"The simplest reason would be the fact that Hinata has obviously never been in a hardware store before. I thought you'd at least be able to figure that one out." I could hear the smirk in his words.

I turned to the side slightly and glared at him. "Don't push your luck."

"Woahh a showdown between the two kings!"

"Come on Hinata." Kageyama gestured.

We got all the items on the list made by the whole group and checked out with the money from our own pockets. This was seriously a lot of troublesome work. I'd kill everyone and have my way with (y/n) but what's the fun in that? This is a competition after all. Why not enjoy the look on tobio-chan's face when I sweep the victory right from under him once again.

We made our way out of the store and started walking away with our bags in hand until a police car stopped us. 'What now?'

He rolled his window down. "May I ask what a couple of teenagers such as yourselves might be doing out here alone at this time of night?" The officer asked.

"We-" Tobio-chan started, but I put my hand in front of him and took the lead.

"We're just buying things from the hardware store for a home project." I smiled. Kageyama face palmed. Even Hinata cocked his head at such an obvious lie.

"At 2 in the morning? Can you three uh.. show me what's in those bags?" The officer asked."

'Shit' I cursed under my breath. "Run."

Hinata was already ready and darting down an alleyway, with me and Tobio-chan close behind. The officer got out of his car and followed. You could tell he needed to lay off the donuts with the way he was running. Seriously police standards have dropped haven't they? These lousy cops... they disgust me.

I looked behind me to see how close the cop was and he was standing..still? Reaching for his pock—damn! "Tobio-chan Duck!" I yelled.

Hinata was already turning the corner but Tobio turned around to see what was going on. Of course he wouldn't just trust what I say and do what I told him to right away.


In an instant his eyes widen. The officers gun jammed and the next bullet didn't come out. 'Lucky' I thought to myself. I picked up Tobio-chan and we caught up with Hinata.

Another gun shot was set off with a scream following soon after. Poor cop. He was probably trying to see what the problem was and ended up firing the gun at himself. He should know better than to aim a loaded gun at himself, even if the gun was jammed.

"I'll be right back." I said, going back to where the cop was. Really he had no right to shoot at us. He never even checked our bags. He would've suffered much worse had he shot one of us and been alive to tell the tale. There he layed against a brick wall, bleeding out.

"H-help." He managed to get out. One of the bullets went through one of his lungs. He should've already been dead due to lack of oxygen but I'll happily do the honors of taking him out of his misery. I picked up the gun from off the ground, made sure it was read to fire and-


A bullet was put straight through his head at point blank range. It felt strange—the gun. I removed the camera from the cop's corpse as well as the camera and footage from the cop's car. Can't have any other police coming after us just yet~

I took the magazine out and put the safety on so no one else would get hurt tonight, and headed back towards chibi-chan and tobio.

"Look at what I got~" I said with the gun in hand.

"Coooool!" Hinata said.

"Don't just go waving that thing around!" Tobio-chan lectured.

"Relax. It can't fire without any bullets in the chamber." I said showing him the magazine.

He relaxed a little. "Still,"

I looked down at him. The bullet from before had grazed his arm and it started bleeding through his shirt.

"Chibi-chan, take off your jacket and tie it tightly around his arm where the wound is. Luckily it looks like the bullet passed your arm so you don't need surgery. We should be able to take care of it later." I instructed.

"S-sure." Hinata said and did as I told him.

"Now hurry up. We need to make it back soon." Tobio gritted his teeth through the pain, but otherwise didn't complain about it. I'm glad he wasn't being a crybaby about it. It was the last thing I needed out of this whole scenario.

"Good job team!" I said as we made it back to the training camp building, raising my hand, waiting for a high five. Kageyama didn't looked amused.

"Yeah!" Hinata cheered as he jumped up to reach my hand.

"Welcome back guys." Tanaka smiled.

"Oikawa.. why do you have blood splattered all over your shirt?" Nishinoya asked pointing at me.

"Oh this? I shot a police officer." I smiled.

"So blunt." Kageyama and Hinata said at the same time. Their souls were practically leaving their bodies.

"And Kageyama, why do you have blood seeping from your arm?" Tanaka asked.

"Well since we're being so honest," he started while glaring at me, "I got shot by that officer Oikawa was talking about."

"Well no matter that. Let's just get back upstairs to the rest of the group. Kuroo and Kenma are still up there and they gotta leave at 3." Nishinoya said.

We closed the door to the building and turned the corner where we met eyes with Coach Nekomata.

"Hey, where did you guys go? Shouldn't you be asleep in your rooms?"

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