Red Night

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Tama didnt want this moment to ever end he as their entangled together Tama could taste both their tears ...suffering and pain but he could also taste their bond that he was now  sure has been unbreakable since the very beggining . They finally parted their lips staring into each other in the eyes

"Tama ...I need you to leave here now I will buy you time run .." Hiroshi said holding him firmly

"What ..alone! ...",  Tama said reluctant

" we both know I am the only one who can take her own ..don't you trust me"  Hiroshi said flashing his smile as Tama hurriedly hugged him ..

(Whispering in his ears ) .." you better come back !"

(Smiling and hugging him back  ) " Uh ...thats a given !!"

with that Tama stood up running down with the others who they had realeased

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with that Tama stood up running down with the others who they had realeased

"Now then ......... ..its about time you came Akiko !!" Hiroshi said waiting for Akiko


Haru had been searching around but seemed to be going round and round in a circle for hours exahusted he decided to Lean by the wall and rest only to fall through into a room ....surprised he gets up immediately and look around  he sees something like a someone on a bed he walks closer and his face turns pale !!!

He immediately took hold of one of the rats firmly ...
Just below the caslte was Monrel with some knights

"he found it .." the caster who released the rats said

"Good lets go !!" Monrel said as the snock into the castle once again


Akiko makes her way to the castle Bando was standing by the pavement staring at the city

"What is it !!" Bando asked

"He escaped from prison !" Akiko said

"That fool !!! ..I should have killed him a long time ago ...Akiko ...My love (looking at her and touching her on the face ) Find him and ..KILL ME !!! ...."

"Yes My lord " Akiko said without any hesitation as he jumped out through the pavement .Bando walked to the throne walking round it as he grazed his finger again the marble throne

"did you really think you could make him king ..I will end him and rule forever and you know what ..I will use your power to kill him !!! ...hahahahahah...HAHAHAHAH !!!!"
Bando laughed evily in satisfaction with his excellent plan


Hiroshi had gone outside and now stood in the middle of the road when Akiko arrived
she stood at the roof of one of the building

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