Continued Journey

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When you feel
your suffering is the worst
People are actually out there
Eating dust


The next morning Hiroshi woke up before Tama which was pretty abnormal

"your up early today " Tama asked

"Uh....hmm ....if your taking a bath then ....."

"no am okay ....I'll get ready " Tama kept looking at Hiroshi as he stepped outside Hiroshi had already gotten dressed . Tama got dressed and went outside the horses were already outside

"okay ....(getting on the horse )....we seem to have lost the person following on in the cave we need to keep the distance ..Let's go !"

Tama didnt say anything he simply got on his horse and rode off
the rode for sometime gaining a lot of distance towards their destination suddenly Hiroshi slowed down and got off his horse

"we can walk a little ...."Hiroshi said smiling

"is everything okay ?"

" huh..?...oh ...of cause ...."

And with that they went back to silence they walked for some distance and decided to rest
seating on the grass under the sunlight

"Hiroshi ...." Tama (bending his head )

"huh??..what's that problem? " Hiroshi asked

"Do you really take me for a fool!!!"

(surprised ) .."Tama ...."

"I understand ...I completely understand (Raising his voice as he got up and faces Hiroshi ) THIS IS HOW LITTLE YOU THINK OF ME !!.....How little you can rely on me ....(getting on his horse ) ..we should get moving "
Tama rode off without ensuring Hiroshi was following . Hiroshi sat on the grass staring as Tama rode off ..he held the part of his cloth close to his chest ..
"its funny isn't it I am poisoned and somehow my heart hurts even more than the pain ...Akiko ...what do I do ???"
(getting on his horse and riding after Tama )


Rogak Kingdom

"sire ....." a man on armor knelt before bando bowing ..

"what is it ?" ...

"sire as you requested ....the people have been put into labour to build your honorary statue of excellence !!....but some of them are resisting "

"ohh that so ....Hehe heh......these low life's never learn ...I the king permit the use of magic to suppress and regulate anyone who disobeys me .....IG they resist too much ...KILL THEM !!"

(Sweating from fear and Terror ...)" Y...yes ...yes Sire " ...
bowing he left the kings presence all the council members were present apparently the ones he captured had been replaced

(walking over to the round table ...) ..
"my right hand men are all welcome " (taking a seat as they all bowed to him ...) ...
"Don't be bothered by such insignificance ....(darkening his gaze )but as you know ..I am king ..they previous kings were lining enough to take only 10% from each town ..and still use it for the people ...hahahaha ....what stupidity ............(silence ...)well ....and not that generous of today will be presenting 70% of your total tax !!!!.... ....

The entire council looked dumbfounded no matter how they looked at it was horrible
the people all made payments ..not everyone though ...but from the tax is their general economical welfare , of cause with the kind of people they were their own cut would not be excluded then for the royal house ....but asking for 70% means increasing the tax for the people ....even with that the 30 % would not suffice for the entire population ...but with Bandos personality and the kind of immersive power the throne granted him no one would dare oppose even ...No one !!

"ohh all don't look too happy about this but yet no one is willing to say anything ...he hehe( of cause .....MY WORD IS LAW !!!)"

Haru stood from the watch post ....a captain that was so humble his men all swore their life to him ...but he today he wasn't watching ..he was thinking ..
After the day Hiroshi left the city flyers were printed of him and his accomplice saying they were enemies of the king and guilty of treason ....that's when his memory became dizzy took some time and alot of pain but he finally realized someone had used forbidden magic in them and altered the very existence of time itself .It is said that using forbidden magic takes away an amount the casters life force . Haru stood there muttering to himself ..everything was wrong ...the people ...the time ...the king .....

"please be safe ...Hiroshi !!"
Haru got off the watch post and headed home his mind still full of thoughts ..weary just as he got home someone knocked on the door

"huh??? ....." (opening the door ) " Monrel??...ahh ...."
as soon as Haru opened the door he saw monrel ...he looked angry ....he suddenly pushed Haru inside and shut the door pinning him to the wall

"you stood there all day ....ALL DAY THINKING ABOUT HIM ......" Monrel screamed at Harus face as he ripped his shirt lifted him on the shoulder and carried him up the wooden stairs ...he got to a room and tossed him on the bed .....

"wait ...Monrel ..its not what you think "

" (taking off his clothes ) ...I don't want to know anymore ..captain ...if you can't see my love ..them I'll inscribe it on your body so that you never forget .....never forget me !!"

never forget me !!"

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