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!!TW for implication of suicide!! (no graphic descriptions or anything like that used, just a very brief mention) please be mindful while reading

The three boys stood in the gym, processing the fact that Julie quit and Eleanor flipped out at them.  Reggie could tell from Eleanor's puffy and bloodshot eyes that something had happened before the boys' arrival, and he was determined to find her as soon as he could.

"Well, if Julie's not in the band, and Eleanor quits too, then..." Reggie trailed off, the weight of the situation beginning to set in.

"There is no band," Luke finished.

A sudden jolt coursed through their chests, taking them by surprise as they stumbled in pain.

"What was that?" Alex gasped, clutching his shirt tightly.

"It felt like we were dying all over again," Reggie panted.

"How can we die if we're already dead?" Luke replied, his hand also over his heart.

The boys took a moment to recover before unanimously deciding that they had more pressing matters to confront first.

❛ ━━━━━・♫♪.♫♪・━━━━━ ❜

Reggie, Luke, and Alex transported back to Julie's house and found the light to the studio glowing dimly from outside.

"She must be inside," Reggie noted as they slowly approached the garage.

Luke slowly opened the door and they hesitated in the doorway while Eleanor sat on the couch with her elbows resting on her knees, picking at her cuticles and staring blankly at the floor. Either she didn't recognize their presence or was choosing to ignore them, but Reggie took a seat next to her regardless.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his voice soft and low. Her shoulders tensed at the question and she bit her lip to hold herself together as Luke and Alex approached them.  Instead of responding, she shook her head and met his eyes, tears threatening to spill from hers.

"What happened earlier?"

Eleanor began to cry, quiet sobs escaping her mouth as the tears began to flow freely. Reggie wrapped an arm around her shoulders, but she was quick to shake him off and stand up from the couch.

"You want to know what happened?" Eleanor's breathing was rapid and forced as she towered over his seated form. Reggie sunk into the couch, subconsciously making himself smaller in response to her anger.

"I had to go look for your sorry asses for Julie. Because you all failed to show up on time, I had to go search all over fucking Hollywood, only to have an anxiety attack because I thought I saw my dad. So no, I'm not okay, I'm pissed because you hurt me and you hurt Julie."


"I don't want to hear it. I hope you all had fun tonight, and I hope it was worth it. You know, I was really starting to like you guys too, but thanks for reminding me that I will never be a priority to anyone."

"Eleanor!" Reggie shouted, but he was too late; she had already transported out without a clue as to where she went. His head fell into his hands as he let out a long sigh, letting Eleanor's words sink in. Alex rested his hand on his friend's shoulder, the guilt settling in uncomfortably.

"We need to go find her," Luke insisted, crouching down to meet Reggie's eyes.

"We really messed up, guys. They're both so mad at us," Reggie sighed, bouncing his leg nervously.

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