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With every moment she spends with her new ghost friends, Eleanor questions their decision making just a little bit more.

"This feels wrong.  And invasive.  And just a little rude."

She had followed the boys into Julie's room after they thought it would be a good idea to look around, tagging along for the sole purpose of monitoring them.

"How do you pick things up so easily?" Alex asked, ignoring her comment.

"I don't know, you just have to concentrate."

Eleanor took a seat at the edge of the bed next to Reggie, who took it upon himself to sprawl across the blankets.  They all jumped when the door opened and Julie entered, shocked to find the ghosts in her bedroom.

"What are you guys doing in my room?" She shouted.

"I told them to leave!" Eleanor blurted out while the boys struggled to find an answer.

"We were looking for the kitchen?" Luke hesitated, in the middle of reaching up to a shelf.

"This... This can't happen.  It's creepy.  Get off my bed, please."

Eleanor and Reggie hopped off immediately, feeling slightly guilty for invading Julie's space.

"Hey, Julie?  What's in the box?" Luke wondered, pointing to the small, decorated box he was observing earlier.

"That's off-limits."

"Ah, okay.  Girl stuff."

"Oh, like butterflies and glitter?" Reggie added, causing Eleanor to smack his shoulder lightly.

"Oh come on.  I'm sorry about them," Alex apologized.

"It's none of your business.  And yes, there might be some glitter."

Alex turned his attention back to the picture frame he was trying to pick up earlier, but succeeded this time.

"Hey!  I actually picked something up!" He cheered, seconds before dropping it onto the bed.  "...I dropped it."

"Is that your mom?" Luke asked as the ghosts hovered over the photo to see it.

"Yes, and it's my favorite picture of us, so if you break it, I'll break you."

"Okay, well, sorry because we're kind of unbreakable at this point," Alex noted.

"Not to me.  I'll whoop your ass if Julie requires me to do so," Eleanor smiled sweetly.

"I don't get it.  You guys can mess up my bed, pick up your instruments, but you can't pick up other stuff?" Julie questioned.

"It takes practice.  They're just ghost babies.  So young, still learning."

"Yeah, no thanks to you.  You still haven't taught us how," Alex retorted.

"Hey, I never said I was a good teacher."

"It's hard.  But for some reason, with our instruments, it's easy!" Luke explained.

"Yeah, like super easy.  Oh, and check out what I learned today," Reggie grinned and materialized his bass out of nowhere.  He fell back onto the bed under its weight and groaned. Eleanor tried as well, albeit a bit steadier than Reggie, and was shocked to find that it worked for her too.

"I could just magically make my guitar appear this whole time?" She whispered to herself, running her fingertips over the strings.

"That looked super easy," Julie rolled her eyes.

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