first date - 212th|104th

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~ 212th ~

- Cody -

You and Cody both knew whatever you two had going on would have to obviously be a secret. Especially from Obi-Wan. So you asked your master if Cody could assist you to get some things from the market, to which he agreed not really seeing anything wrong with it. That was a relief to both of you. So you and Cody walked around the market in Coruscant, talking about anything and everything like you two always did. You bought a snack for you two and walked back to the base. But it was really fun to just get out and not have to worry about anyone watching you two for once.

- Waxer -

While Waxer was on leave you two decided it was the best time for a little date so you and Waxer walked around one of the big parks in Coruscant and fed all the little animals that were in the ponds and trees. You saw an even more caring side of Waxer and you loved knowing how happy he was to be around you and helping others. You thought he was a very sweet man.

- Boil -

You loved stargazing so you asked Boil to join you one night in the empty hanger bay. You opened the doors to the base and you both sat outside looking at the vast array of constellations and speckled stars. Boil loved the look of adoration on your face when you saw a shooting star. You two talked about little things in life and Boil thought it was really nice to finally have some quiet time with you.

- Gregor -

You and Gregor had a simple date together. After work, you both hung out together at the back of Power Sliders as usual. Since the day was hard you brought a big bottle of Spotchka. You two shared the bottle and talked about life in general. Gregor obviously mentioned some things that seemed out of context but you were used to him being that way. Either way, you enjoyed letting loose with Gregor and being able to talk to him about anything.

- Odd Ball -
~ Davijaan

Davijaan and you had grown closer over time and so for your date, Davijaan has suggested you two paint your ships. You thought it was a great idea so you two went and got cans of paint and paintbrushes. He obviously painted his call sign on his ship and so did you. Oddball and Dice. You even went to his ship and wrote your call sign on his ship with a little heart. He didn't notice until later and he thought the gesture was cute.

~ 104th ~

- Wolffe -

Since Wolffe tended to be extra at times, and he was aware of how suspicious it would look if a padawan was at 79's, so he took you to a smaller bar. It was a nice bar that was very clean and cool looking. The two of you just took it slow that night and didn't drink too much and just sat in a booth in the back talking about each other. Wolffe also told you how much he looked up to your master which you thought was adorable.

- Boost -

Coruscant was having a festival which you were interested in. So you asked Boost if he wanted to join and make it your guy's date. He happily agreed and you two had fun at the colorful, and lively festival. But Boost loved watching you smile throughout the whole thing because he thought you were the most beautiful thing he ever laid eyes on. (space coachella anyone?🤠)

- Sinker -

Sinker decided to take you to a club which you thought was fun. You loved to dance and let loose in front of others when not at work. You and Sinker drank the night away getting drunk and dancing together. You enjoyed it very much and he did too. You both got to see a wild side of each other in that club, but it was really fun for the both of you regardless.

- Comet -

You and Comet went to a small roller skating rink. It was the first time either of you roller skated so it was very fun for both of you. Thankfully, he had better balance than you and got the hang of it quicker, so he would catch you if you fell or help balance you by holding your hand. You were really happy that he cared so much for you. It was nice for you to just have fun for once and not worry about anything.

- Warthog -

You two went stargazing together at night. You two were based on another planet and the sky was clear and beautiful. The sky was speckled with bright dots for stars. You two went aways from the base into a nearby field. Sitting on the ground together, you rested your head on his shoulder and you two talked quietly with each other while looking out for shooting stars.

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a/n ~ pls vote and hope you enjoyed it, and as always, do good today lovelies <3

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