Chapter Five

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   Slowly the door creaked open allowing enough space for me to take the step outside the room. As the door came to a stop, I moved to the side allowing Alexis to follow the same as me. It was a deadly silence that filled the air, and hardly any walkers were in the hotel. The hotel seemed abandoned by everyone but we, and whatever else lurked in the dark now days. As the rest of the group came out the room Trey started leading us to the emergency exit holding out his knife in case we ran into anything. I held Mia's hand still unable to put full presser where I hurt myself. The wind howled as we opened the door, rushing pass us and into the hall way blowing the scattered papers around behind us. I stood there with Mia as Trey and Alex went ahead of everyone else looking for way out of here. From afar you could see a hoard of zombies all crowded together slowly walking around, bumping into each other looking for an easy meal, but the way there eyes were dead and lifeless sent a cold chill down your body.

     As Alex came back he led us to a back ally where Trey waited at the very end, "Where do we from here?" James ask as Trey unlocked the gate, "Just follow me, and try not to die," Trey said half smiling at us, "Great," I mumbled as I took out my knife getting ready to follow where ever Trey wanted to lead us, "I could carry you," Zack whispered in my ear as he came up behind me, "Get away," I said pushing him away, "Kat, wait," Zack said as he pulled back on my arm. From around the corner headlights appeared shining on us, "Everyone, get down!" Sean shouted as Zack pushed me down to the ground, "How many are there?" Alex said as it started to rain again, "Looks like there about ten of them," Sean said as they drove by, "You think they saw us?" James whispered as they drove pass us "Lets head back!" Sean shouted as they left into the rain.

    We slowly made our way back keeping ourselves within the depth of the darkness, "Keep it tight!" Alex shouted as the group started spreading out, "We have walkers coming up from behind," Mia said as she stopped walking, "Alexis, take  the rest of the group back to the hotel," Alex said as he stayed back with her. As we started walking again the sound of gun fire started going off, "I'll go back for them," Trey said as he looked at Sean, "Katherine," Zack whispered in my ear as he picked me up, "Let's go!" James shouted as the headlights appeared again, "Don't just stand there, fucking run!" James shouted as we all took off, "The gun fire won't stop," Sean said as he took me from Zack, "They have to be okay," Alexis said leaning against the wall, "We have to go back, we can't just stand here and wait," I said as I sat down looking up at the guys, "What are you fools doing! Run back to the hotel!" Trey screamed as he ran passed us carrying Alex in his arms, "What the hell happened!" Zack shouted as he followed Trey back to the hotel, "Let's go," Sean said as he helped me up, "Alex," I whispered as I stood up running after them.

   As we entered the hotel Trey ran towards one of the rooms still holding onto Alex for dear life, "Trey!" I called after him and Zack followed me, "He was already bitten when I reached them," Trey said as he laid Alex down on the bed, "Fuck!" Zack shouted as he punched the wall. I looked down at him and saw the bit mark on his shoulder oozing out blood, "Alex," I sobbed as I kneeled by the bed, "Alex, open your eyes," I cried as Zack pulled me away, "Let's go Kat. He's going to turn any second now," Zack said as he tried pulling me out the room, "No! How can you leave him after all you two have been through?" I paused, "I can't just leave him Zack, Alex was part of our group, I just got both of you back, now it's all being taken away," I cried as I went back to the side of the bed holding Alex's hand.

    We all sat in that for hours, but nothing happen to Alex, "Are you sure he was bitten by a walker?" James said looking at Mia, "Yes, I mean look at how deep that bite is," I looked at Alex as he laid right next to me barely even breathing, "The walkers are getting restless," Sean said coming back in the room. As Sean sat next to me I laid my head on his shoulder, "Are you okay?" He said as he reached for my hand, "The longer were here, the more I hope he's just going to wake up and be okay," I sighed. As I looked back at Alex I stood up backing away, "What's wrong Kat?" Sean said pulling me back towards him, "Everyone move back," Trey said as he pulled out his gun, "Wait!" I cried as Alex began to move again, "Kat, stop," Sean said wrapping his arms tightly around my arms, "Trey, please!" I cried as Sean and I both fell to the floor, "Just let him Kat," Zack growled as he walked out the room.

    As Sean covered my ears I could make out the sounds of Trey loading the gun, "God please," I whispered before Trey fired a bullet straight through Alex's head, "Get her out of here," Trey yelled as Alex fell back on the pillow allowing blood to spill everywhere, "Now Sean!" Trey yelled as Alex got up again, "He's still alive?" I said as Sean dragged me out, "Stop! Alex is still alive!" I screamed as another shot went off, "Sean, please!" I screamed again as Zack came running towards me, "Let her go!" Zack said shoving Sean away from me, "Hey man! The fuck is up!" Sean shouted as Zack pulled me away, "Stop!" I cried as I tried breaking free of grip, "Katherine!" Alexis called out as he threw me in a room, "Let me out Zack!" I cried as both Sean and Alexis banged on the door, "Zack, please let me out," I sobbed as he blocked the door, "What is Sean to you?" Zack said again slowly sliding down to the ground, "Katherine!" Sean voice boomed from the other side of the door.

    I sat down on the bed staring at Zack, waiting for him to move so I could leave, "What happen to Alex?" He said at last breaking the silence, "Trey shot him, that's all I can say Zack," I mumbled, "Seems like our whole group is almost dead," Zack laughed. I stood up walking towards him, "You can go now," Zack said moving away from the door, "You should get yourself together, this isn't over just yet," I said as I walked out, "Katherine!" Sean yelled as he ran over to me hugging me, "Sean, we need to leave," I said as I looked at him, "We will soon," He smiled as he kissed me, "Let's head back," Alexis said grabbing my arm, "The body?" I asked as we approached the room, "Trey already took care of that," Alexis sighed. As we walked in the room I sat down with Alexis and Sean looking at everyone, "We leave tomorrow to the next city," Trey said as he walked out.

   As I looked in the restroom I saw Alex's body lying in the tub covered with the bed sheets to hide him. I held Alexis's hand as she looked at him. There were now only three of us left. The family I had been with since day one was now broken down to three.

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