Chapter 8 - Lovers that met again

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It's surprisingly quiet at the facility, too quiet. Most countries gave some notes about Death, wanting to get South Korea as ready as possible for her arrival, but it has been three days since Death's news about her rampage. It's like she suddenly disappeared, some agents are saying that it's the calm before the storm.

And oh boy, there were right.

Power at the facility suddenly died down and the moment their generators worked, it was already too late.  They heard a very loud gush of wind from the outside, everyone was scared to look at who or what it was but they had no choice, this was their job.

Team Alpha was one of the teams that was ordered to go out and with heavy and terrific hearts, they went out with full gear to protect themselves.

There at the roof, they saw big dark wings flapping and a rage filled eyes from an entity.

It was The Angel of Death.

Unlike Life, who's innocent and brings you peace when you look at her, Death was different, really different. Her aura alone can make you shit your pants if you don't know what you're dealing with, being in her presence makes you fall into anxiety even if you don't experience that and her eyes, what they said was real. Her pupils were red and corneas black, it was indeed a sight you will never forget.

Team Alpha pointed their guns at her when she went down, with full grace and a loud thud when she landed.

She's beautiful, her hair color is pink, skin pale with a touch of grayness and a body to die for. If she wasn't a killing spree angel, she can be an idol.

All of them expected her to charge at them, to rip their shreds into pieces with a smile on her face but she didn't, she just stood there, waiting for their next move. People that was inside was watching the scene intently, their plan suddenly gone from their heads the moment the angel appeared in their sights.

Death scratch her nose lightly, head tilting while her gaze landed on Jennie. The girl jumped when their gazes met, her legs were shaking and there's a possibility that she might collapsed.

"You. Why do you smell like her?" The angel spoke, her voice so smooth like perfectly made hot chocolate on a holiday, but it makes you anxious at the same time. She spoke in english with a hint of an Australian accent, slowly approaching the said girl.

Before she can get closer to Jennie, she heard a voice, a voice that she was dying to hear again.


Roseanne turned around and there she was, her lover that she hasn't seen in centuries, her other half, the love of her life.


A big smile was plastered on Y/N as she runs to her lovers much awaited arms, oh how she has missed this, being in her arms makes her complete again. The moment she had Y/N on her arms, Roseanne's eyes turned back to normal, pupils red and corneas back to white. She wasn't hostile anymore and it's all because of her Life, Y/N.

They enjoyed each other's presence and warmth, not caring about anything. The people watched in awe, some had tears in their eyes because they knew about their story and one of them was Jennie.

Everytime they talk, Life would atleast bring her lover up in their conversations, telling her stories about how they were forcedly seperated and how she was tortured.

She also finally knew Life's human name.



When Roseanne arrived, Y/N felt it, her heart beating so fast and luckily the other agents released her as a last resort to calm Roseanne down, good thing it worked.

They let the lovers have their moment before Jisoo politely asked them to go inside and surprisingly, Roseanne smiled at her, following Y/N when she got pulled by her.

"They're so cute." They giggled at Jennie's sobs and hiccups.

Is Jennie crying because Y/N finally met her lover again and won't have any consequences? or is it because she might not be in her presence anymore?


Is it underwhelming? I think it i, but I hope you like it!

I think this is ending already? I planned for this a short one after all.

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