[12] Gained and Lost

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  • Dedicated to Shannon Chen

I wake up to water dripping on my forehead. There is a leak... Well, who cares. I notice Katniss isn't in the cave. She got up already? And when did I even fall asleep? I don't remember a thing...

"Katniss?" I call. I get up and grab my knives, going out of the cave. I immediately see Katniss, she's just carrying her bow and arrow. I guess she was hunting when I was sleeping.

"Oh, hey, sorry I didn't wake you. Didn't want to... disturb you..." she trails off. My lips curl into a smile. "No, it's okay. Ready to kill, ally?" I say, smirking.

Katniss just nods, kind of miserably. Well what is this? Katniss is weak? She doesn't want to kill? I decide to keep these questions to myself and go back into the cave, getting my bag and all the things I will need. Katniss does the same, following me. We'll just come back here to the cave for the night later, if we have to.

Carrying a few knives in my hand, Katniss and I walk around, and we immediately hear leaves rustling. Someone is close. Someone is coming to get us, or someone is hiding from us. Katniss turns to me, signalling me, and I nod. I throw my knife in the direction that I heard the leaves rustling, and immediately, the area is dead silent. I wonder who I killed... Katniss and I walk toward where I threw my knife, and we see we killed a boy. A boy from District 3. I pull my knife out of his body, and carry on.

"Let's go," Katniss tells me, and we walk around until we hear voices. Those voices... they belong to Cato, Marvel, Glimmer and Peeta. Katniss looks at me, worried. Deep inside, I'm worried too, but I'm just not showing it. I don't want to appear as weak to the whole of Panem. "Come on, this way!" I tell Katniss frantically, and the next thing I know, their voices are getting closer. "We know you're here, Clove, we know you're here!" Cato shouts, laughing along with Glimmer and Marvel. I don't hear Peeta, though. Have they killed him already? I was asleep, so I didn't see the fallen tributes in the sky last night.

Cato's voice makes me shiver, and I unhesitantly pull out four of my knives, carrying two in each hand. I turn around and see Marvel, standing there ready to kill me. Katniss is behind me, her bow and arrow ready. Without hesitation again, I fling my knife right at Marvel's heart right after he spears me in my leg, at the same time Katniss shoots her arrow at Glimmer, and they both drop dead to the ground. I hear Cato and Peeta, they run somewhere, but I don't know where. Marvel and Glimmer, we killed them, now only Cato and Peeta are left, the difficult ones, well at least Cato is difficult. Peeta should be easy, I hope.

We hear the canons, and we don't hear Peeta and Cato anymore. I pull the spear out of my leg, my thigh, I'm in so much pain, I can barely walk. I need medicine desperately, I'm hoping Enobaria and Brutus get my sponsors to get me medicine. If I don't, there's a possibility I wont make it.

"Oh my God," Katniss gasps as she sees the blood seeping through my pants and gushing down my leg, to the ground. It looks really bad. The pain is agonizing.

"Come on, we've got to get to the cave! It's the only safe place!" Katniss says hurriedly, with a worried look on her face. Does she really care?

I see something peeking out of a tree while I'm getting up, it looks like hair. Big hair... What? I slowly take a knife out, with my knees bent, and Katniss takes caution too but suddenly shouts, "Wait!" What? She's approaching that person which was peeking out of the tree with the big hair. Oh, I get it, its a young tribute. She's a young tribute. Rue. Yes, it's Rue, I remember her from the training center.

"Don't be afraid, we're not going to hurt you," Katniss says and glares at me. I roll my eyes. Well, she is kind of cute, but has Katniss forgotten that I'm in agonizing pain here? I grab my stuff and head towards them. Rue glances at my wound and says shyly, "I can help you with that..." I smile a little and nod, and tell Katniss we have to go back to the cave, because its the only safe place we have. I swing my arm around Katniss as she helps me keep balance and walk. Well, I'm guessing Rue is a part of our alliance now. It's going to be hard killing her. Very hard.

I just hope I'm not going to have to be the one doing it.


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