[8] Scores

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All of us sit on the sofa after Cato comes back, and just have a conversation about what we showed the gamemakers. Cato says he just took some swords and did what he does, he sliced of dummies' heads and stabbed the dummies right on the target, typical. I tell them what I did, and Enobaria grins. "The both of you did well, now it's time for the scores."  

The national anthem of Panem plays, and the screen switches on as we see Claudius Templesmith and Caesar Flickerman. "Good evening, Panem! It's time to announce the scores the gamemakers have given our fellow tributes. After careful consideration, we have from District 1, Marvel, with a score of nine!" Marvel's picture flashes on screen with his score. "Glimmer, with a score of nine, too!" I give a small smirk to Cato. Nine? Wow, they should've gotten a lot higher to be our allies... 

Next, it's our turn, Cato and I. We lean forward, eager to learn our marks. "Now, we have from District 2, Cato, with a score of... Ten! A wonderful ten! And Clove, with a great score of ten as well!" 

"Congratulations, you both have done exceptionally well!" buzzes Enobaria. "Yes, very well done!" Brutus agrees.  

I smile at Cato, and he smiles back. I was hoping to get an eleven, but I guess I didn't show enough. Well, that's done. I wait until the very end until Caesar announces that girl Katniss' score. I stare at the screen, and hear eleven. Eleven. No way. What are her skills? What can she do? This is impossible. A girl from District 12. No way. I hate her already. I try to forget this and ignore everyone else in the room, including Cato, and go to my room. I immediately change and proceed to get some sleep.  


Today is the day of our interviews. But training comes first, of course. Can't miss one bit of that, it's crucial. Same thing, I get out of bed and shower. I take my training kit off a hanger and wear it again. Back to the dining hall. Cato's already sitting there, eating breakfast. Eggs and bread with hot chocolate again, great. I love that 'hot chocolate' drink.  

"Hey Clove!" Cato says, wearing a huge grin on his face.  

"Hey," I answer, giving him a smile.  

I notice everyone else at the table, and they all say "Hello" to me. I sit down beside Cato again, and this time it's like I'm the latest to wake up. Everyone's already at the table, including Crucis. Surprisingly... I'm guessing Crucis is going to brief us about the interviews and what we'll be wearing.  

"So, tonight's the interview. I'm thinking of putting you in gold again, Clove, you in a medium length dress, and Cato, you in a gold suit." Crucis tells us. 

"Alright, that sounds good!" I say, and give him a smile. I wonder what kind of dress it'll be, and what it'll look like. I know I'm going to look beautiful again, but fierce as well, of course, thanks to Crucis. Got to love my stylist! 

"Yes, can't wait," Cato agrees. 

We continue with our breakfast and when we're done, Cato and I head to the elevator and down to the training center. All we'll be doing today is just practicing our skills. I'm going to keep a close eye on Katniss. She's dangerous.  

I walk into the training center and see Katniss. She isn't doing anything, she's just watching the other tributes. Wimp. I need to find out what her skills are, and I have to do it now, as tomorrow we'll be in the arena. It's now or never.  

I give Katniss an evil, fierce stare. That'll teach her not to mess with me. I need to make her afraid of me.  

Today, I don't train much. I just throw some knives and walk around, looking at what the other tributes are doing. No, Katniss isn't showing anything.  


I go to the huge dressing room, where I meet Crucis. Yes, it's finally time to get dressed for the interview.  


If you liked this chapter, please vote! Thank you :) Such a short chapter! So sorry... I was rushing to give you guys something. I know, this chapter SUCKS. Sorry! On another note, OMG! NEARLY 500 READS! <3 thanks to everyone who continued reading! You are AWESOMEEEEE :D but again, sorry for the LOOOOONG delay and the sucky chapter, i'll be publishing 9 soon! :) thank you! :)

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