[13] Gone Too Soon

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"No! No! Clove! Help!" My brother screams. I run as fast as I can, trying to free him from the peacekeepers' arms, but it's no use. He's gone. Shot. Dead. I cover my ears as I hear the loudest explosions behind me.  Boom. Boom. Boom. One after another, everyone is being blown sky high into the air. I'm kneeling on the ground alone, covering my ears with both my hands. Helpless. 


I wake up. Panting. It was just a dream. It was just a dream. It's okay. It's not real. It was just a nightmare, that's all. I miss my brother. I hope he's alright.  I look around the cave to see that Rue is gone. Katniss is sleeping, but Rue is gone. Where's Rue? I glance at my thigh. Wow, my wound is healed. How long was I asleep? I need to find Rue. I slowly and quietly creep out of the cave, hoping there is no one out there that's waiting to get me.

Suddenly, I hear an ear piercing scream. Sweat starts trickling down my forehead. Rue. The scream belongs to Rue. 

"Rue!" I shout. "Rue!" Tears are rolling down my cheeks. The scream continues for a while. I run to where I heard the sound coming from. The screaming stops. "Rue!" I shout, my voice fading after I see Rue's body.  Boom. She's covered in lumps all over her body. Tracker jackers. She's dead.

There is melancholy in the wind and sorrow in the grass. I kiss Rue on her forehead and walk away slowly, realizing there is nothing I can do about her death. I have to move on. I walk back to the cave slowly, and in deep sorrow. Katniss is awake, staring at the ground. She knows Rue is gone.

"Let's go," she says.  That's it. I think she doesn't want to accept the fact that Rue's gone. She wants to forget about it. It's going to be hard, but I'm going to have to try. I have to win this. 

"Do you know how many of us are left?" Katniss asks, while we're walking to find Cato and Peeta.

"I think there's six of us." Katniss, me, Cato, Peeta, Thresh and Foxface. Katniss and I named the girl with the red hair Foxface. She is so smart, and cunning. Something about her face reminds us of a fox. Boom.

"What? That was fast. I wonder who it was..." I say, hoping deep inside that it wasn't Cato. Foxface's picture flashes up in the sky. I feel a sigh of relief. What am I thinking? Cato has to die. I have to kill him. I can't be so weak.

"They're here!" Cato shouts. Peeta and Thresh are by his sides. Katniss sees them and immediately shoots an arrow at Cato's heart. Next, she goes for Thresh, but I take out my knife and fling it at Peeta. It goes straight through his neck, and he falls to the ground.

Tears start to fill my eyes. I see Cato on the ground, too. I hear two canons in a row, knowing that Cato and Peeta are dead. I have a better chance of winning now, but I'd have to go back to District 2 with tears in my eyes.

Katniss shouts, "Clove, lets go!" Without even thinking, I follow her. Katniss didn't kill Thresh, but he has gone somewhere, we're just not sure where he's headed to. We rest near a giant rock, and I see Katniss' eyes filled with tears, too. Cato is gone. The boy I had feelings for. Katniss killed him, and I killed Peeta.  She's sobbing, but I can't stop, too. It's unbelievable. If I didn't win, I wanted Cato to win. I wanted him to win for District 2. I don't think there's a chance of me winning now. I have lost all my confidence. I had more confidence when Cato was with me. Katniss and I sit there, doing nothing. Katniss has stopped crying, she's just trying to get over it, but I can't stop. Why am I acting this way? I thought I didn't care about Cato anymore. This is not going to be good. 


If you liked this chapter, please vote! Thank you :) omg omg i posted after so so so long i'm so sorry guys. well sorry for not posting so often anymore, and sorry if this chapter sucked. i got so sad writing this :( thanks to those who have continued reading my story, it's going to end soon, though :( want to tell me how you think it will end? try! :D you might be right :) well no one really comments on my story, so..... well anyway i'm sorry if this chapter wasn't what you wanted :/ i just wanted to add a twist, you know? sorry if you hated it. i'll try my best to post the ending chapters soon. thanks for reading you guys are the BEST. <3

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