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A few days passed since Apollo's eventful trip to the Forbidden Forest

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A few days passed since Apollo's eventful trip to the Forbidden Forest. Oddly enough, he felt relaxed. As if Pip, the centaur, coming to talk to him was more normal than it seemed. Adrian decided it would be fun to poke at his dreamlike state. Despite how distant he had been in the past few days, Apollo did not fail to notice the stares of two mischievous Gryffindors he would much like to ignore. He did not address them, or call them out, but he was aware.

Before he knew it, he was in the library with his two best friends. Apollo had a book on the table before him, calmly reading. This time it was a book on creatures in the wizarding world. He had read it once as a child, but had not revisited it since. He decided it was time to.

Across from him, Cedric and Adrian were talking about Sirius Black. Hence why Apollo was not really listening. He did not understand why everyone was so worried. So he was the first person to ever escape Azkaban. Big deal.

"I hope Black won't affect the Hogsmeade trip," Cedric was saying. "I was hoping to get some sweets."

"What, for that Ravenclaw you're obsessed with?" Adrian snickered, finding enjoyment at how easily he could make his friend flustered with a simple sentence.

"No! Just for.. me," Cedric defended himself, his cheeks burning.

Apollo snorted behind his book. "You aren't fooling anyone, Ced," He commented.

"Oh, now you pay attention," The Hufflepuff said, playfully rolling his eyes.

"Apollo has a second sense for... whatever that was," Adrian joked. He looked over to the side, and smirked. In one swift movement, he snatched the book from his best friend's hands, and nudged him with his foot.

Apollo sent him an annoyed look. When Adrian gestured to the direction he was looking, both Apollo and Cedric decided to look. Approaching their table was Kara, a happy smile on her face.

She quickly reached them and plopped down in the empty seat beside Apollo. "Hello, gentlemen," She greeted, her smile not disappearing for a second.

"Kara," Apollo greeted, a lot less enthusiastic than her.

"Ignore him," Cedric advised. "Welcome to our chaotic library hangout."

"You should also ignore him. We should be studying right now," Adrian said playfully, sending the girl a charming smile.

"And we are all going to be failing our transfiguration test," Apollo commented dryly, though he had a small grin on his face.

Kara laughed. "I cannot help you with that. I'm rubbish at transfiguration. Potions, though, I'm not half bad," She said.

"Care to give me a hand with my homework later, then?" Adrian suggested, turning slightly pink in the face.

"I'd be honoured," Kara said, smiling at him. Cedric and Apollo exchanged a knowing glance. "But that's besides the point," The girl continued. "I was curious as to what your plans were for Halloween costumes."

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