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Apollo made it his mission to avoid George for the rest of detention, and the end of it

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Apollo made it his mission to avoid George for the rest of detention, and the end of it. George's comment made him blush. Him! Apollo 'I-don't-feel-anything' Payne! He was embarrassed, to be frank. He was almost positive that it was a joke to get a reaction out of him, but Apollo was less than happy about it. He could not let news go around that he got red by the words of George Weasley, of all people. It would tarnish his reputation.

The only reason Apollo had even gone red was out of pure shock.

So, once Snape dismissed them, Apollo bolted out of the room, for more reasons than one. First, the obvious one, to get as far away from George Weasley as possible. Second, to leave before Snape found out that his yearbook was gone.

Unfortunately for him, George pursued him, persistent as ever. "Guess I figured out how to embarrass you," He teased, jogging to catch up to the shorter boy.

"Fuck off," Apollo snapped. "I was just surprised that you have the nerve," He defended himself coolly.

George shrugged but let it slide. He kept up with Apollo, who was going to go to the Ravenclaw tower and tell his friends about his findings in the morning. He hoped to be able to lose George on the way up, but the boy was stubborn. Too stubborn. He kept by his side, rambling about prank ideas. Eventually Apollo gave up on trying to get him to shut up, and instead endured the redhead's rambling... by blocking it all out. Was it rude? Sure, but so was blackmail, so he did not really give a fuck. When he tuned back into the conversation, George was talking about an idea that involved him. "-Imagine all the kids we can freak out! A random wolf running around? Ha! It would be priceless," The Gryffindor boy was saying. Then he frowned. "Okay, maybe it's not the best idea right now. With Sirius Black on the loose, people might get the wrong idea..."

Apollo scoffed, but chose not to comment. While he was almost positive Sirius Black was harmless (well, mostly,) he did not know for sure. He knew better than to jump to conclusions, and he was planning on doing more research, but for now his theory was that Sirius Black would not hurt him as a person. Not that he would care either way.

"But," George continued as Apollo stopped walking, an idea coming to mind. "We could always play some different pranks-" He was cut off by the blonde who was now slightly behind him.

"Can you lend me a hand with something, Weasley?" Apollo asked, internally cringing as he did so. It was the last sentence he wanted to speak, but if he did not want to run around the school in his animagus form where anyone could catch him (or worse, he could run into Filch's stupid cat,) he needed George to do something for him.

George opened his mouth to say something, blinked, then closed it. He turned to face the other boy, confusion written all over his face. "You... need my help?" He asked suspiciously. "I thought you didn't like me."

Apollo shrugged. "I don't," He agreed. "I just need your help."

George gave an excited grin that made Apollo regret saying anything at all. "How can I help?"

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