My Adorable Bear

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"Making shapes are so boring, I just wanna get into something more interesting already." Ro said.
"We're learning how to blend and shade, Ro, it all takes time. At least it's easy, right?" Lucas says to Ro.
"Yeah... I guess. But it's just spheres and cubes! God, it's so boring.."
You get up and waddle over to Ro, holding your arms out for a hug from her. "You know you want one."
Ro rolls her eyes and smiles. "Lucas wasn't wrong about how cute you are."
You frown and roll your eyes. "Don't make me turn around and waddle back to my seat without giving you a hug."
Ro smiles, "I'm just messing with you, get over here."
You waddle over to her more and give her a big ol' hug.
"Wow, you shouldn't give these out so often, they're too good to be free for everyone." Ro looks you in your eyes amd smirks.
You roll your eyes and cross your arms, raising your eyebrow, "Everyone?"
"Yeah.. except me." Ro raised her head slightly, into the air; a proud look on her face.
You laugh, shaking your head and go sit back down next to Lucas, doin' a little jig of happiness on your chair.
"You're adorable, did y-" Lucas compliments you before you put your finger on his lip, stopping him from speaking further.
"Yes, I have been informed plenty of times." You take your finger off his lips and turn back towards the front, sitting up straight.
"I know you all are bored, but I have something planned for today; I just needed to get it ready so I got you guys to shade shapes." Ms. Aaron said, bringing out little cups from the room next to hers.
"Are we doing watercolour?" A girl behind Ro asked.
"Something along those lines." The minute Ms. Aaron brought over the cups, we got a strong smell of coffee right up our noses. "We're painting with coffee!" Ms. Aaron exclaimed.
"Y/N, sit still, I wanna make you." Lucas went up to the front and quickly grabbed three different paintbrushes, sitting back down; almost falling off the chair in such a rush.
"Oh my goodness, Lucas, calm down, sheesh." You laugh at Lucas almost falling off his chair, and he frowns but slowly cracks a little smile, too. You sit still and look pretty for his supposedly amazing drawing.
"Don't forget to make one for yourself, Y/N." Ms. Aaron walked by you and Lucas to her desk, giving you a small reminder to not get too distracted with others.


About half an hour later, Lucas is just finishing up minor details; probably needing about ten more minutes to finish up his masterpiece. So you sit there, for another ten minutes or so, and you finally get to look at his oh so wonderful masterpiece. "Oh my god, Lucas, that's incredible."
He shows you a pretty realistic painting of yourself, all from coffee, and you're stunned.
"Holy wow."
"You can keep it, if you'd like." Lucas smiles at you, and you can tell he's very pleased with your reaction; feeling proud of himself for making you feel happy.
"I can't, you should keep it, it's your masterpiece."
"I made it for you, though." Lucas puts the painting on the table, and frowns; quickly smiling after. "Why don't you just make me, like as a painting, in return?" He smiles wide, and tries not to squeal like a little girl.
"Uh.. I'm not very artistic. You'd look like a potato, at best." You laugh a little and frown, rubbing the back of your neck, embarrassed.
"I don't care, as long as you try your best. You could give me something that looks like shit on a stick, I'd still love it because you," he puts his finger on your chest, and looks into your eyes, "made it."
You blush and swat his finger to cover your face with your hands, breathing fast.
He laughs at you and grabs your hands and uncovers your face, "so, what do you say, cutie?" He smiles, looking into your eyes.
Ro rolls her eyes, "Can you stop being so cringey, Lucas? Dear lord."
Lucas frowns and looks over at Ro, letting go of your hands. "What Y/N and I do doesn't concern you."
"Well, it's annoying how cute you're trying to be with her." Ro rolls her eyes again and turns around to her other friends.
"Ignore her," Lucas turns back to face you, "she's just jealous of us," he gets closer to you and whispers in your ear, "of you."
You get shivers down your spine and blush more than before, pushing Lucas away from you. "Don't do that! I have my own personal bubble, you know.." You look down at your feet and tap them on the ground.
"Y/N, where's your art piece?"
You open your eyes wide and slowly look up at the teacher, giving her an awkward smile. "Not.. done..?"
"Well get started, you'll have to come in after school or during lunch to come finish it." She smiles back at you, a little disappointed, but not showing it much.
"I will, sorry for not doing much today." You frown and sigh.
"It's okay, Y/N, just make sure you get it done by next week."
"Okay!" You perk up again and smile, grabbing Lucas's paintbrushes. "Pose for me!" You point the paintbrush at Lucas and he grabs it, putting it between his nose and lips; holding it up with his upper lip, making it look like a mustache.
Lucas put his hands into fists and put them on his hips, his head tilting upwards. "Here's my pose." He said, trying to keep the paintbrush on his lip.
"I need that!" You furrow your eyebrows and grab his face, turning it towards you; the paintbrush dropping onto the floor. You stare into his eyes while holding his chin, having a moment. You realize what's happening after a few odd seconds, and let go of his face to pick up the paintbrush; wiping off the dirt on it.
"That was.." Lucas blushed and smiled to himself, turning towards the front of the classroom.
You go to say something, but change your mind and say something else. "Yes, stay like that!" You put up your fingers as if you're taking a picture of Lucas with them. "Just turn towards me a little more."
Lucas turns toward you and keeps the same face, squinting open his eye. "This good?"
"Yes, now close your eye."
"Will do."
You get up and get two pieces of paper, one for testing the coffee colours, the other one for painting Lucas.
"Ten minutes, everyone! Try wrapping up whatever you're doing, I have a class next period and would like the desks to be clean for them, too."
"Dang it." You sigh and put the brushes back, including the paper since it wasn't used.
"I'll come here for lunch with you tomorrow, if you'd like." Lucas stood up to clean his area and smiled down at you.
"Oh, uh," you stop and think about Freddie for a moment, wondering if you'd rather spend lunch with him or Lucas; but quickly decide that you're going to spend it with Lucas. "He can go hang out with that other girl he was so close with earlier," you think to yourself. "Sure! That'd be great, thank you." You smile at Lucas, and feel excited for some reason; but you don't mind.
"It's no problem, cutie." Lucas winks at you and smiles, chuckling to himself.
Ro turns back around and mimics gagging, loudly.
"You're just mad that you're lonely and I found my future soulmate." Lucas looks at Ro and then back at you, smiling proudly.
"What does Y/N think of that?"
They both turn their heads toward you and you just stand there, your face flushed red. "I.. uh.. that's.. cute?"
Lucas laughs with Ro and you just stand there, not sure whether to laugh with them or just stand there awkwardly; so you just awkwardly laugh along quietly.
"You're definitely cute, Y/N, that's for sure." Lucas puts his backpack on and walks over to you, wrapping his arms around you into a hug. You hug him back and just stand there, embraced in his hug until the bell rings.

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