Here For You

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Little note before I continue the story; the pictures at the top of the chapter really don't relate nor matter to the story. I just choose random images from Beastars just so there's a picture there. Just so you guys know. :) Okay! Continuing ;)


"I'm so sorry, Y/N... I never meant for this to happen, I'm so sorry..." Aiden kept repeating the words "I'm so sorry" until you look into his eyes.

"It's okay, Aiden, I chose that. I chose this." You point to your face and the bruises. "You didn't force me to do anything."

"Yeah, but if I wasn't so damn weak I wouldn't need anyone's help and this wouldn't have been a problem to begin with." Aiden looks down at himself, you can see the guilt and shame behind his eyes, making you frown.

"You mean none of this would've happened if they never picked on you in the first place? None of this is your fault, Aiden." You slowly stand up and extend your hand out to him, offering help to get up.

He takes the help and you guys hug again. "I know, it's still annoying, though."

"I know." You rub his back and hug just a bit tighter before you stop and look at him, holding his arms. "Let's have a better day than this and get out of here before they come inside and wanna make these bruises worse, yeah?" You awkwardly cough out a laugh, sounding a bit anxious and nervous but Aiden smiles.

"Yeah, okay, let's go to the cafeteria, I'm sure they still have the breakfast club open." Aiden holds your hand and you guys walk to the cafeteria together.


"Do you happen to have any ice packs? I usually just deal with it when I get home but it would be nice if I could deal with it now without having to talk to teachers." Aiden looks at you while you guys walk.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I do, let's stop at a bathroom to grab some paper towel to wrap around it so it doesn't freeze your face off." You smile and laugh a little, Aiden chuckling with you.

"I'll take what I can get at this point." He laughs a little more and smile at his smile.


You stop at a women's washroom right in front of the cafeteria which has an open entrance, and Aiden just waits patiently by the door while you take out the icepack and wrap the paper towel around it. You zip your bag back up and head out of the washroom, handing the icepack to Aiden.

"We're gonna have to take turns, I want you putting this on your bruises, too." Aiden puts it on his face, and you guys walk into the cafeteria.


"So how long has this been going on for?" You ask Aiden. "You talk about the injuries like he's been doing this to you for a while." You frown as you look at his bruises, feeling bad for your new friend who doesn't deserve that.

"Yeah.. it's been going on since elementary. I grew up with him. We were friends and enemies. He only hung out with me when his friends weren't around or kicked him out of the group. When he hung out with those boys, they'd bully me. Not as much as they do now, it's gotten worse through the years. Poor guy just wanted attention, not that he needed it. I went to his house a couple times and I never noticed any signs of abuse, and I'm very aware. I can see signs easily. He just.. I'm not sure. I'm really not sure." You guys walked up to the ladies giving out breakfast stuff and you asked for an apple juice, and an orange while Aiden just got cereal.

Aiden continues, "Like I said, he would just bully me like, push me and yell at me and tell me little kid cuss words." He chuckled a little bit remembering them. "But as we grew older, he saw his friends getting more violent, and then he became the worst of the worst. He had strength he didn't know he had and used it against not only me, but others, too." You guys sit down and you start peeling your orange, still listening.

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