Lost in Love

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You walk into your last class of the day after saying goodbye to Lucas, watching him sprint down the hallway to get to his last class; you only have five minutes to get to your next class after the bell rings. To your surprise, Freddie and Futoshi are in your Child Studies class, just sitting at the very back together.

"Oh, hey Y/N!" Freddie shouted to you from across the room, you could see the love in his eyes and you smiled.
"Hey, Freddie," you walk down to the back and put your backpack down next to Freddie, walking over to Futoshi giving him a hug, "hi, Futoshi."
He smiles and hugs your arms back, greeting you back. "Hi, Y/N, how was art class?"
"Oh no, should I bring up Lucas?" You think to yourself, just standing awkwardly behind Futoshi, trying to think quickly. "Yeah, it's not like Freddie likes me back, he and that girl were all giggly together, anyways."
"Yeah! I made two new friends, and one of them kept calling me cute." You blush and slowly walk over to your seat, sitting down and turning your head towards the both of them; putting your chin on your palms and your elbows on the table.

Futoshi does the same thing and asks, "What's his name~?"
"Lucas~." You both giggle together while Freddie rolls his eyes, sighing loudly to try and stop the giggling.
"Why is he so special by calling you cute? I could call you cute anytime you want." Freddie smiles towards you and you frown.
"But you didn't, and him saying it is just.. different. He has like," you start to whisper, "a really sexy voice. It's like- perfectly deep, you know?" You and Futoshi start laughing together again before the teacher calls you guys out on it.

"What's so funny back there?" She smiles down at you from the front of the classroom, and started giggling with you.
"Nothing, just boy stuff." You say to her and then look back at Futoshi again, starting to giggle again.
"You can say it to the whole class, we're all girls besides your two friends; which I'm assuming you've already told them. Give us the gossip!" She does the same thing we were just doing, and the whole class turns towards you and start smiling; some giggling, too.
"No, no! It's fine, I'm good, thank you." You smile awkwardly to everyone, not knowing what else to do, at the moment.
"Oh, darn, I was so looking forward to that." She laughs to herself before she starts handing out information papers about contraceptions in planned parenthood and personal health, and a "my life" booklet based on your personal opinions.

"So much work already." You whisper to Freddie.
"I know right? Like, sheesh." He smiles with you and he stares at you while you laugh away, you not realizing.
"At least it's not due until the end of the term."
"True dat." You both laugh together and Futoshi leans over and raises an eyebrow, confused.
"What is going on over there?"
"Oh, nothing, just talking about the stupid work we're getting; it's a lot."
"Oh my lord, right? Like holy jeez, I didn't expect this, we barely got any work last year." Futoshi sighs and lays his head on the table in front of him, you and Freddie laughing at and with him.

"We will be reading the information sheet and doing questions on it, your "my life" booklet are going to have to be done in your own time at home," the teacher says.
You sigh and do the same thing Futoshi just did, lying your head on the table in front of you; trying not to let your demons escape you from your mouth.
"We'll get through this together, okay, Y/N?" Freddie starts rubbing your back and lays his head down next to yours, smiling.
You turn your head over to look at him and he's just about less than inch away from your face. You start to blush and nod your head on the table, not wanting to move away from him being so close to you, but you sit up because you can't handle it.

"Shut up." Freddie says to Futoshi, Freddie starting to blush, too.
You blush more seeing Freddie blush, too, and you try covering your face and brushing it off like you're just rubbing your eyes slowly but Futoshi points you out.
"See! Even Y/N's getting all blushy with you, that's even cuter!" Futoshi's voice gets a higher squeal the longer he talks about you and Freddie.
Freddie looks over at you and quickly puts his head down on the table, accidentally slamming it down; Futoshi laughing hysterically. Freddie immediately put his head back and rubs his forehead. "Ouch!"
You turn his face towards you to look at the bump being created on his forehead, getting the idea of making his face even more red.

You kiss his forehead "better" and then smile at him, making him blush even harder.
"You guys know what you're doing! God, you're so mean!" Freddie puts his arm on the table and then slams his head down this time, so he doesn't get another bump on his head.
You and Futoshi laugh at him, and you rub his back. "We should probably get to working now, huh?"
"Yeah, I guess so.." Freddie slowly sat back up, and got up, heading to the bathroom in the classroom.

Futoshi leaned over and whispered in your ear, "He's probably going to jerk off to you."
You slap a hand over your face and muffle your laughs, you and Futoshi both giggling again together. "Okay, okay, enough, enough, enough, we need to get work done." You continue giggling but start working until Futoshi starts giggling again with you, falling into each other.


After about 5 minutes, Freddie walks out, his face back to normal and no longer red.
"Took you long enough, bud! There's only like 25 minutes left of class, get your ass back here and get some work done." Futoshi yells at Freddie, rushing Freddie along, Freddie sitting back down beside you quickly.
"Sorry, man, I had to piss."
"Yeah, yeah, that was totally it." Futoshi leaned over at you and gave you an exaggerated wink, and you  gave him one back, Freddie looking back and forth between the two of you, confused.
You guys start laughing to yourselves again but quickly get back to work to focus.


School eventually ends and you gather up all of your stuff, just about to head out of your class before Freddie runs up to you and taps your shoulder.
"Hey! Wanna come to my house? I'd like to get to know you better." Freddie smiled down at you and started walking with you down the hall.
"Why didn't you ask me that earlier?! The buses leave in 5 minutes! My parents won't respond by then." You roll your eyes and walk faster, thinking maybe you were a little harsh; but you're annoyed and he SHOULD HAVE asked you earlier when you had more time to ask.
He walks faster, too, catching up to your tiny legs speed. "Look, I'm sorry, I didn't know if I should ask you on the first day of meeting you, so I didn't ask you. How about you come over and if your parents don't like you being over at my house, then I'll get my parents to drive you home, okay?" Freddie sighed, and kept walking along side you.
You also sigh and stop, remembering that you said you'd meet up with Legoshi after school. "I can't, I'm sorry. I already made plans!" You smile, a bit nervous and awkward.
"Oh.. okay. Can we hang out tomorrow maybe then?"
You feel bad because you know you're letting him down, but you've only known him for a short amount of time, anyways. Though, in that short amount of time you feel like you've known him forever.

"Of course we can hang out later! We'll go to your house tomorrow, alright? And invite some of our other friends, too! Ya know, since it's Friday and all. If.. you don't mind..?" You give Freddie a big smile and hope he allows more friends to come over.
"Oh trust me, I'd love for multiple friends to come over. We just can't have an over-nighter plus I have to ask my mom if I can invite so many people over."
"Okay, great! Well, you ask your mom and then we'll talk later about it, alright?" You give Freddie a reassuring smile and give him a hug before you live, letting him hold you for a little too long.
"Sounds perfect, see ya later!" Freddie runs towards his bus so he doesn't miss it and you just stand there and smile to yourself.

"Today's been a good day."


Hello, everyone! I am the author/creator of this story, and I would like to note that after this day is over, so probably a couple more chapters, I will make a chapter specifically asking for who you guys like the most. It won't affect anything immediately but I would like your guys's input if you'd like to give one! Thanks for choosing my story, happy reading! 😊

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