Plot Twist

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I then realized that I was a living plot twist. It happened so suddenly that I don't have the time to explain it all. If I was to put it in a short sentence, I would just tell you that I had a twin.

But I can't just come clean out and say that. Well, I already have. Way to go Hailey. Sigh.... It all happened when a random boy appeared from this crazy illusion sort of thing. Oh geez, I can't explain it!

It was as if a portal opened up in the middle of my room with Emily and I just chatting while I was finishing up my transfusion. It was like a scene from a movie. A magical movie!! I couldn't help but think of Samantha right when that happened. Please don't ask. My life is confusing.

But that boy was the most handsome boy I had ever seen. He had shaggy brown hair that didn't pass his ears but we're close to, dark brown eyes and tannish peachy skin. I was in awe. Never had I seen something so.... I wanted to scream right then and there. Was my life complete? My life complete when a handsome boy lands in our hospital room through a portal?

Yes. Just kidding. Yet!

Emily was surprised. The boy was even more surprised to find out where he was. he started to take deep breaths in and out and dart his eyes all over the room. He must be freaked out, I had thought at the time. Who wouldn't be?

"Are you Hailey?" The boy finally asked. "Yes. Definitely Hailey." He looked me over and nodded his head and just like that, his eyes sparkled. "Wow."

I wasn't sure what he was wowing about but I just answered," Yes. who are you?" My voice might have been a little snarky.

"Logan." he wiped the hair out of his face and smiled at me. "Can I explain?"

I wasn't sure why he was asking because I was gonna make him explain anyways. "Please." I roll my eyes and stare at him. "I can't not wonder why a boy just landed in my room through a portal now can I?"

He chuckles. "I guess not." He looks at Emily with concern. "Who are you?"

"I am Emily." Emily answers swiftly. "I also need answers before I report you to the police."

Logan rolls his eyes and begins to talk. "When I was born I had a twin. She was taken away from me. I didn't know why. But I continued to live my life. I was royal so I had a lot of standards to expect to achieve. I didn't and was hated by the kingdom of Taitailuai. I really didn't care and just went along with it. I went to school, played with my friends, and of course had to do stupid high tea." He groaned a little when he mentioned high tea. "Anyways, I always had a twin in the back of my head. I finally mustered up the courage to ask my parents about it. She, him. I wasn't sure at the time."

He continued to look at me during the talk and it was starting to worry me. What did I have anything to do with this? I was totally just some random girl who... realization dawns over me, but I let Logan continue, not wanting him to lose his streak. He kinda was on a roll, I will say!

"They told me that I had a long lost twin sister given the name of Hailey. She was different. She looked different. She was tested but had complete shared DNA with our family. My parents decided to give her up for adoption."

Logan was starting to freak me out now. I still was uncertain but everything did make whole lot of humble jumble sense. But I still needed more. I wasn't going to let some insanely cute boy walk up to me and tell me I'm this princess.

"I started searching. At that time I was ten years old and began a boarding school here on earth. I loved it. I still do go there. I still love it. I searched and devoured any info I could find."

This was the part then he stopped and turned toward me. "I had found her. She was exactly like my parents described her. Orange hair and brown eyes."

I now had tears in my own eyes. I heard a knocking on the door and Logan ran to the nearest closet and hid. A doctor came in and unhooked me from my transfusion. When he left Logan burst out of the closet and embraced me in a hug.

I felt it. A warm glow. It felt so real. A connection. So this is what it felt like, I told myself and I squeezed him tighter. The embrace left tears streaming down my cheeks as if they were a waterfall, and I could hear Logan breath was rigged. I didn't realize it then. But how could I not?

It was real. I lifted my head up to spot Emily, who also seemed as if she were about to cry. Emily pointed to something on my body, but I just stared back while resting my head on Logan's shoulder. She pointed again, mouthing words I couldn't understand.

Then I looked down at my hands, that were emitting a glowing light. It was a beautiful yellow. I stepped back, gasping at the sight. Was I doing that? Where was it coming from? A million questions swarm through my head. He touched my hands and the colors combined making a perfect green. The light embraced us both.

This felt right. This was love. Not just friend love but a brotherly sisterly love. That's what it was. I knew right then and there that my life was not complete yet. I had no idea what was coming next.

I needed to be brave more than ever.

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