A Special Visit and Mr Crash Cart Returns

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"Look! She's in there!" Called a voice from somewhere in the distance. "Open the door!"

I didn't want them to open the door. I was exhausted and they had just woke me up. They were so loud! Someone does open the door and a million feet scramble into the room.

"Uh." I groan. "Wha?"

I feel wetness near my cheek and sit up slowly. Then I look down at the pillow and realize that I was drooling. How embarrassing. I feel queasy. Very queasy. Bob is beeping away, smiling his smile down onto me. Why is he smiling?

"Who in here?" I asked absentmindedly.

My eyes adjust and I feel so weak! Stupid chemo! Then I realize familiar faces. There's my teacher and my classmates. It feels like that dream you have where the one thing you would expect to NOT happen... happens. My mind is filled with questions but most of all, my stomach is aching and churning. I just stare at the humans in front of me.

They stand awkwardly in the big room. A doctor walks into the room and looks at my classmates. He sighs and comes over to my bed.

"How are you feeling?" He asks. "I'll get you a barf bucket."

He rolls a trash can over and places it next to the bed. AT that moment I lean over and throw up A LOT into the bin. My classmates and teacher lean toward the door to the outside of the room. Smart.

"I'll be taking you off the chemo now." He says.

He unhooks a plug from another plug in my body and turns off the machine. I smile up at him. Maybe he was okay. I throw up another time and then turn toward my classmates. They are still standing there

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"We left the meet as soon as you we're taken to the local hospital. Ya know, the big children's hospital?" Jacob explains.

"Here I am!" I say trying to cheer myself up. "JUst connected to many machines."

"He said chemo." Jill says quietly. She was quite shy. "What's that?"

"OH." I sigh. "Yeah. It helps get rid of cancer cells, I guess."

My whole class gasps. It was that type of gasps that was shocking and like they wanted to die right at that moment. Or throw up. Did they not know I had cancer?

"You have cancer?" My teacher asks.

"Yes." I say plainly. "It really sucks. I'll be here for a while. I think a month."

The next half an hour I hung out with my classmates and we ate ice cream together. Yes, ICE CREAM! We talked and laughed. It really was amazing. I threw up yet another time but my classmates really didn't care because the doctor disposed of it quickly.

They had to leave though. I was sad, but for some reason that's when I realized that my parents weren't there when I woke up. I felt betrayed. They were supposed to stay with me.

"Where are my parents?" I asked Emily as she came into the room as my class left.

"They had to go home to get your younger brother off the bus. They promised to come back at 6 with your brother." Explained Emily.

"Ok." I said quietly.

I hadn't seen Jacob since the morning of the meet. I had totally forgotten about him. What is wrong with me? He's my brother and I forgot about him. I'm supposed to be there when he gets off the bus. I'm supposed to read a book to him some nights. Oh me.

This hospital is boring boring boring. I hate it! I pull out my phone and binge watch netflix for a whole hour. That's when machines start beeping like crazy and I have yet another collision with Crash Cart. This time I passed out. My heart started beating really quickly and caused me to pass out. I was hooked up again to my buddy and stayed connected to him passed out for another half an hour.

When I came around I had a breathing tube on and some extra needles in my veins. I was still connected to crash cart. It was helping me breathe. Literally. Emily was looking down at her phone before she realized me staring at her weirdly.

"You're back!" She says cheerfully. "You have to be on that for probably a little while longer."

But I couldn't talk. Why? There was a tube sticking down my throat! THAT'S WHY! I just want to scream. I sigh heavily and go back to binge watching netflix until crash cart finally decides to leave my room.

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