a broken boy..

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The messy white haired boys eyes widened as he looked up at this stranger, 'eh?' He thought this person looked slightly familiar, "how do you know my name?," killua asked his voice firm, and lacked any kindness or sweetness, just bitterness, and annoyance, the person standing before him looked surprised for a second.
"Well! You see you are friends with my friend! Joshua, he has told me all about you!" He spoke happily, one hand slipping behind his head as he smiled,
Killua takes a deep breath before tense up once again, "how did you know it was me?," he asked suspiciously,
"Man you really don't lighten up do you." He laughed half heartily, "he showed me a picture of you!" He spoke overly excited, killua glared at the other figure darkly, "okay?.. Well I'm getting wet and if I don't get out of the Damn rain now. When my hair drys I will look like a Damn cotton ball, so. Nice meeting you. Whatever the fuck your name is" the soon to be cotton ball said as he started down the cold street again. "Wait!" The tall figure behind him said. Killua's eye twitched in annoyance, before whipping around to look and the other man with a fierce glare, "what now!" He asked "can I take you home! Its my fault you are still out here! Please!" He begged. Killua put together that if He said no. This asshole was gonna keep asking,

"Fine. Lets hurry up" as the two men walked down to the grey colored car, killua felt an odd feeling, like, something was off about the man infront of him, he couldn't tell if it was bad or good, and really he didn't give a fuck, "so.. What's your name anyway.." He asked, he opened the passenger door sitting inside the surprisingly warm car, "Oh did I not tell you! My bad! I'm kaniko! Its nice to finally meet you killua!" He spoke a cheerful smile graced his lips, the smaller man looked at the taller curiously, never had he seen anyone as cheerful as gon, this has to be the first one, 'God damnit what is wrong with this picture?..' Killua grit his teeth as he realized he was truly alone. Abandoned, left behind. "Killua?.. Are you okay?"
Kaniko asked softly, ' damnit damnit damnit damnit! You did exactly what you said you wouldn't you are hat!' Small invisible tears made their way to his soft blue eyes, "killua?.." Killua turned his head to stare at his new friend,
"Are you alright?.." Worry laced in with his sweet voice, killua so desperately wanted to scream, wanted to yell, cry, something!, show an emotion you useless shit!, his stomach had empty feeling, suddenly very twisted. As he opened his mouth to speak a small sob came from him instead of words,
'no..damnit it wasn't supposed to be like this!, I was supposed to say I'm fine! Fuck!' Before the shorter boy knew sobs shook his body, he curled in on himself
Crying more, his face felt hot as if he were going to explode. Kaniko looked at the other boy eyes wide, 'what do I do?!'
'Fuck' he thought, 'i have no idea where he lives! I feel like he told me! Damn I forgot!' He mentally smacked himself,
'I will just have to take him to my house,' kaniko let out a sigh, he turned to the sobbing boy, his heart strained at the sight of the beautiful boy sobbing next to him, "it's okay killua... Let it out.." Kaniko drove for a good 10 minutes before he reached his apartment building, he turned to the still crying killua it surprised him how much the white haired boy could cry, but at least he wasn't crying uncontrollably anymore, kaniko left the car walking around to the passenger door, opening amd pulling killua out, he figured the white haired male probably couldn't and or wouldn't stand or walk, so he lifted the shorter boy into his arms taking him inside his apartment. He struggled to open the door with the white haired boy in his arms, but he did so. He placed the other male on the couch, poor boy had cried himself to sleep, kaniko about turned to the kitchen for water when he heard killua crying once more and muttering things.

"Please don't leave me...."

"Come back... Please.."

"i don't want to be alone"

"Gon.. Please come back.. I still need you.."

As the smaller boy cried and muttered to himself, kaniko felt bad for the smaller boy. But he couldn't help the feeling of jealousy, this wouldn't due.. He had to get killua's mind off of that jackass that left him.

Ayyy hope you enjoyed I really enjoyed writing this chapter please be nice and dont forget to tell me your thoughts in the comments! Bye bitches

you Abandoned me not the other way around gon..Where stories live. Discover now