naegami » used tea bags

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11/10/20 » naegami » used tea bags

non-despair!domestic!au. byakuya and makoto are married and have a six-year-old daughter.


         “Daddy, Daddy! Tell me a story!” my daughter said with a giggle, pulling on my sleeve. A small smile cascaded over my face, looking down at her.
          “What do you want to hear, Kimiko?” I spoke, sitting down in a chair and picking her up. I placed her down in my lap, holding her closely.
          “Something about you and Papa at your school! Hope's Peak, right? I wanna go there some day!” she said happily, playing with the collar of my shirt.
          “Hmm . . . I have an idea. Please, don't do anything like this. You might get in big trouble. We didn't, but we were thiiiis close to death,” I exaggerated.
          “I won't! I pinky pinky piiinky promise!” Kimiko giggled happily, staring up at me.
          “Alright, so the story starts when your Papa and I were in our dorm. We were bored, and he suggested something. He thought that I should insult somebody. He tutored me for hours and hours, and I was finally prepared.
          “He said that we should walk around, and the first person we see will be our target. The first person we saw, however, was a force to be reckoned with. Her name was Celestia Ludenburg, she was the Ultimate Gambler. Jeez, that woman still terrifies me to that day.
          “So, we approached her. He tried to stop me, but I had already started. Wow,” I broke out into a soft laughter, remembering all of the events that took place.
          Kimiko pulled at my collar. “What happened, Daddy, what happened?!” the small girl said excitedly, tilting her head as she stared up at me.
          “Well, your Papa told me to be very creative with my words. So, that's what I did. I called her 'one of those used tea bags,' and I paid the price for it.
          “We were chased through the entire school, even though the insult wasn't that creative. Your Papa wouldn't stop laughing, it was the first time I saw him laugh like that. It warmed my heart, honestly.
          “Anyway, anyway, this isn't a sappy story. The chasing only stopped because a friend of mine stepped in, the Ultimate Moral Compass, Kiyotaka Ishimaru. Let's just say I thanked him for years after saving us like that. But it was your Papa's fault, and I had to take the blame!” I spoke with a laugh, shaking my head.
          Kimiko nodded. “Wowwww! That's so cool! I wanna insult someone!”
          “Wh- Kimiko, no!” I spoke before I heard the door open.
          Kimiko ran over to the door. I could hear her yell “YOU'RE A TEA BAG!” and I jumped out of my seat. I rushed over before seeing that everything was okay.
          Byakuya held out daughter in his arms, his eyes narrowed at her. “Where did you hear that?”
          “Daddy taught me!”
          “Did he tell you the story of where he got that?”
          “Mmhmm! You made him insult the gambler lady!”
          Byakuya chuckled lightly, looking at me with a smile. He walked over, sitting his brief case down and wrapping his free arm around me. He gently pressed a soft kiss against my forehead. “Well, don't say that again, but it was a good story, right?” he asked our daughter with a smile.
          “Mmhmm! It was funny!” Kimiko giggled, nuzzling into Byakuya's chest. “I'm glad you're home, Papa.”
          “Me too, cutie,” my husband spoke with a bright smile. He held both of us close, smiling happily. He's warmed up so much more than when we first met.
          “How about we have a family movie night? I'll order some pizza, and we'll cuddle up together on the couch,” I suggested, looking up at Byakuya.
          He nodded, leading us to the couch. I grabbed a blanket as Byakuya wrapped his arm around me. He then sat Kimiko in our laps, pulling the blankets around us. He pressed kisses on our foreheads. “I love you two so much . . .”
          “We love you too, Papa!” Kimiko giggled, leaning back into us.
           “We love you too. . .” I smiled, nuzzling into his chest. I rested my eyes, feeling exhausted from my day.
          Byakuya kissed my temple, whispering in my ear. “Get some rest, I'll take care of Kimiko. Goodnight, darling.”

          A light blush landed in my cheeks, smiling sleepily. “Goodnight, Kuya,” I whispered before drifting off to sleep.


word count - 714
okay this one's late but goddamn it makes me happy, love the cute domestic au. ive got headcannons for their daughter, and i can make a full chapter for her if you guys want me to! just tell me in the comments. probably going to be after this month is over, but--

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