naegami » heartbeat

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11/1/20 » naegami » heartbeat

seven years after the killing game. byakuya and makoto are dating and have moved in together.

minor spoilers for thh, sdr2, and udg.


          Cuddled close together in front of the fireplace, the world had never felt more at peace. The only sounds Makoto could hear were the crackling of the fireplace, the faint wind outside, and Byakuya's soft heartbeat. The last was the only one that mattered to the smaller boy at the moment. He felt so at warm inside, everything feeling peaceful for once.
           After the killing game, neither Byakuya nor Makoto knew if the world would go back to how it was. Peaceful. No tragedies, no world changing events. Was it now? Hell no. There was still a lot wrong with the world. They were slowly but surely fixing it, however. With the Future Foundation's work, everything's slowly piecing itself back together. That ultimately brought Byakuya and Makoto closer.
            They became closer over their time working for Future Foundation, and that meant feelings. Feelings that went unwanted for quite some time, but slowly began to be an amazing thing for both of them. And now, they're laying on the couch, cuddled up in front of the fireplace. Makoto's head laid gently on Byakuya's chest, hearing his soft heartbeat.
          Byakuya's hands rested on Makoto, one rubbing slow circles into his back and the other playing with his hair. He placed a soft kiss on the boy's forehead, his cold blue eyes only warming at the sight of Makoto. His golden heart and overflowing hope made the tall male soften, made him warm.
          The blonde thought that those feelings made your vulnerable, made you weaker than what you needed to be, but they ended up making him stronger. The relationship they had made their teamwork stronger, and their determination everlasting.
         Makoto listened to Byakuya's heartbeat, concentrated on knowing that it wasn't going to be gone anytime soon. During the killing game, he felt as if Togami was going to be taken away from him, even if they were simply friends then. Yet, he was still worried about losing him then. Now, he wasn't going to let go. Holding onto Byakuya's torso, he nestled his head even closer into his chest, listening even closer to his heartbeat.
          “Are you alright, love?” Byakuya asked in a soft tone, gazing over Makoto in the gleaming light of the fireplace.
          “Absolutely perfect,” Makoto said, looking up at him with content in his eyes. The way Togami looked in this light, it sent shocks through the smaller boy's heart.
         “I'm glad to hear that,” Byakuya said, pressing a gentle kiss against the brunette's nose. “You look tired. We should probably go to bed,” he stated, starting to sit up.
         “Wait wait wait- can we please stay here all night? I'm really comfortable, and it's so warm and cozy . . .” Makoto trailed off, looking up at his boyfriend with pleading eyes.
          “Okay, okay, fine. If I wake up with my neck hurting, I'm taking away kisses for a day,” the blonde playfully teased, still playing with the other's hair. He took a strand in-between his fingers, twirling it around as if it were his own.
          Makoto laughed quickly, leaning up and gently kissing his boyfriend's cheek. “I'll find a way to steal them. You know my determination,” he said, nestling back into his chest. That same heartbeat gently bumped in Makoto's ears. It warmed his heart to hear it.
          Togami smiled lightly down Makoto, gently watching his lover. His gaze traveled from his fluffy hair, to his beautiful, green eyes, to his wonderfully freckled cheeks, to his soft lips. He fell in love all over again. Just like the first time.
          When Byakuya fell in love the first time, he blushed a bright red. He realized that his true love was Makoto, and all the clichés came to reality. The butterflies in his stomach, the nervousness, the panic. It was unusual for the heir to feel nervous. Makoto did this to him. At first he hated it, due to the fact that he felt vulnerable. He felt human. He thought that that was the absolute worst thing that could happen to him.
          But it ended up being for the best. Makoto was the only good this that came out of Hope's Peak. His presence helped Togami overcome most of his arrogance, even though he still held up that facade to others. He may not still think the way he did previously, but he still acts as if he does. He has a reputation to hold up, y'know.
          However, both of the males helped each other overcome great obstacles, and they aren't going to be torn apart anytime soon. The night began to come to a close as they were close to falling into slumber.
          “Goodnight, darling,” Byakuya whispered in a soft tone, taking off his glasses and sitting them carefully on the coffee table. He then went back to his original spot, holding Makoto tightly to his chest.
          “Night, baby . . .” Makoto trailed off, drifting off to sleep. He held onto Byakuya as tight as he could, not letting anything tear them apart while they slept.
          “I love you so much,” Byakuya mumbled, smiling down at his lover, who he lulled to sleep with his heartbeat.


word count - 856
ngl, most of this was filler. i wanted to get to 1,000 words, but this also works. honestly, i loved writing this a lot, it was pretty sweet. love these two so much, and can't wait for the rest of the month.
also, these aren't going to have an overlapping story. if certain ones seem to fit together, in your mind, they can. i'm just making some oneshots my dude-
also putting a song up there that fits the vibe of the fanfic, plus an amazing song. take my song recommendations dAMNIT-

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