Chapter 13 - Secrets & Stuff

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It is now Monday morning and I'm sluggishly shuffling through the corridors to my first lesson. People are huddled together, whispering emptily and altogether just looking depressed. I quietly wonder why as I continue on my way. Entering the English classroom, I perch myself on my desk chair and place my pencil case on the desk. People are still whispering in groups and my curiosity gets the better of me. I turn to the girl sat behind me.

"Um, excuse me, but what is everyone whispering about?" I ask, timidly. Her blue eyes widen and she tucks her dyed black hair behind her left ear.

"You mean you haven't heard?" She asks, running her hand through her long hair. I shake my head silently, as she picks at the black nail varnish on her nails. "Well, a girl from this school, a cheerleader, was found dead in a playhouse at a park on Friday morning. The police say it was an animal attack" She whispers, hurriedly. My jaw drops as I gasp, shocked.

"Wow" I whisper, shocked and exasperated.

"I know, it's horrible. What's your name then?" She asks, attempting to change the subject of the conversation as it was obviously making her uncomfortable.

"I'm Cortelia, what's your name?" I respond, smiling shyly.

"I'm Jenny. You must be the new British girl that's supposedly dating Roman Godfrey" She smiles back, speaking excitedly. I nod in reply and feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. "Are you actually dating him?" Jenny asks, when I take my phone out. I look up at her and weigh my options.

"Yes" I blush as I reply, deciding that honesty is the best policy. Jenny does a double take, before recovering and staring at me. I drop my gaze to my phone screen. It's a text from Roman. It reads: Good morning, beautiful. I guess you took the bus. You look beautiful in that dress by the way ;)

I turn around and see Roman sat at his desk, staring at me fondly with a small smile on his lips. Smiling in response, I blush as his compliment sinks in. I drop my gaze to my lap and absently play with the material of my black skater dress.


"I've never heard of Roman Godfrey having a girlfriend before" Jenny muses, distantly. "He doesn't come across as the type to be tied down to one girl" She continues as I slowly eat my Doritos. I had decided to sit with Jenny at Lunch, as Roman is probably busy smoking in an empty stairwell somewhere.

"Really?" I ask after taking a sip of my bottle of water. She nods profusely, taking a huge bite out of her sandwich.

"He has a reputation here" She adds, after finishing her sandwich. My eyebrows furrow and I stare at her in confusion.

"What kind of reputation?" I question, curiously.

"He's slept around a lot and by a lot, I mean nearly every girl that's in our grade" Jenny whispers, causing my jaw to drop and my eyes to widen. "He tried to get in my pants once, at a party, but I told him to kindly fuck off"

"Wow" I exhale in shock. "He doesn't come across like that with me. He's never tried to get me to sleep with him or anything. He's probably hinted at it, but he's not pushed it" I add, somewhat elated and empty. I never thought Roman was like that. A player to be exact. "I mean, we've kissed and made out a couple of times, but nothing more than that" Jenny's icy blue eyes widen.

"Well, that's a shocker. How long have you two been together?" She inquires, tilting her head slightly.

"Nearly a month" I reply, averting my gaze to my hands.

"And he hasn't tried to undress you or have sex with you?" She asks. I shake my head in response.

"It's probably because he knows what my stepfather did to me" I sigh, looking up to see Jenny stare at me in concern. "My stepfather raped me when I was younger" I whisper, awkwardly. Her jaw drops.

"Shit" Is the only verbal response she makes.

"Roman hates his guts and knocked him out when he turned up at my house" I add, quietly. Jenny smiles.

"It's obvious that he cares for you" Her smile widens. Yeah, he does. But sometimes he scares the crap out of me. I blink rapidly when memories of what he did before flash through my mind in an uncomfortable blur.

Just then I hear the chair next to me scrape along the floor as somebody moves it. I look up and see Roman sit himself in the chair, smiling at me. I smile shyly back at him. He moves his chair closer to mine and places his arm over my shoulder, kissing my forehead gently. My cheeks blush heavily and I avert my gaze to my food that is on the table, eating slowly. The smell of cigarette smoke is heavy on his clothing.

"So what are you two talking about?" He asks, nonchalantly. My nostrils flare slightly as I catch the smell of cigarette smoke once again.

"Just girl stuff" I mumble, sheepishly.

"Well, I'm just happy that you're settling in well" Roman smiles, kissing the top of my hair.

"Thanks" I reply, leaning up and kissing the tip of his nose. This causes his cheeks to turn a shade of pink. I smirk slightly and bite my lip.

"Yo, PDA central. I'm trying to eat here" Jenny laughs, jokingly. I giggle quietly in response, but Roman just shrugs and removes his arm from me, standing up.

"I'll see you later" He speaks, placing a quick peck to the back of my hand and walking off swiftly. I watch him disappear into the throng of students that are crowding the canteen, before turning back to Jenny.

"I want all the juicy details and to be kept up to date on this. You got that?" She demands, taking a sip of her can of cola. I nod, cleaning up my rubbish quietly. "And if he ever hurts you then tell me. I'll sort him out" I nod once more, gulping as I realize that he had hurt me before.

"Okay" I reply, croaking. Earning an odd glance from Jenny before she decides to drop the subject. We walk out of the canteen together, splitting up when I have to walk up the stairs to the science department. "Bye" I wave to Jenny as I run up the stairs before the bell goes and there are people crowding them.

Quietly, I walk along the empty corridor towards my biology classroom. I spot Roman up ahead stood with a guy from our class. Increasing my speed, I near them quite quickly and that's when I recognise the person Roman is talking to. It's the guy that was staring at me oddly on my first day of school. His long brown hair stops at just past his chin, which is covered in a beard that is the same colour as his hair. He is adorned with a grey baggy t-shirt, skinny jeans and a worn brown leather jacket. He looks at me incredulously with brown eyes and I avert my gaze to Roman.

"Hi" Roman smiles down at me and I smile awkwardly in response. I slightly jolt my head in direction of the familiar stranger, silently asking who this person is. "This is Peter. Peter this is my girlfriend, Cortelia" Roman introduces us and I smile in a friendly manner at the new acquaintance I have made.

"So, what are you guys talking about?" I ask, nonchalantly earning uneasy glances from both of them. Peter's feet shuffle nervously, whilst Roman remains as cool as a cucumber. Impassive.

"Stuff" Is his one word response. They both glance awkwardly each other once again. What in hell are these two up to?

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