Chapter 14 - A Bump In The Road

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A/N: Please don't freak out, but I changed the cover because I thought it was more appropriate (because nosebleeds). Also, if you guys are interested I've made a playlist for this story on Spotify. My username is SherlocksBitch if you wanna have a listen. The songs are based on what's happened so far and what's going to happen. Hope you enjoy, thanks for the support.

The school bell rings loudly and I stand to leave, walking quickly towards the exit of the classroom. Somebody grabs my hand and I spin around, retracting my hand. Eyes wide until I notice that it is Roman. I let out a long sigh and turn to leave once more. I guess you could say that I'm giving him the silent treatment. Roman sat next to that Peter guy instead of me, where he usually sits. And they were sat there all lesson discussing whatever it is that they're plotting together. The fact that Roman ditched me and doesn't trust me enough to tell me what they're doing hurts me quite a lot, so I'm not talking to him until I get some answers.

I speedily walk down the cramped corridor, dodging people as I hastily distance myself from Roman. Quickly I descend the crowded stairs, occasionally skipping the odd step in a bid to escape the clutches of the school building. Once I reach the bottom of the staircase I dodge and dive through the throng of students until I step outside and take in a huge breath of fresh air.

Glancing over my shoulder, I notice Roman shoving the crowds out of his way, and I scurry down the steps in front of the school building and across the pavement. I jump onto the school bus and hurry to the back, perching myself on a seat behind a heavily built quarterback. His muscly frame hides me from view when Roman leaps into the bus and scans the vehicle for me. Slinking back into my seat, I take out my phone and type quickly, pressing the send button.

To: Roman
I'm sorry. I love you xxx

I cast my eyes upward and the familiar ding of Roman's message alert greets my ears. He grabs at his phone hungrily and eyes the screen of it. He lets out a grunt of resignation; before stomping off of the bus. I exhale dramatically and feel my body relax into the fabric clad seat. We need some distance anyway. Distance is good. Distance is good. I repeat the mantra in my head until I sense somebody sit next to me, causing me to drop my bag.

"Oh, I'm so sorry" The somewhat familiar male apologises and scrambles about, picking my bag up swiftly and handing it back to me. When his face comes into view I recognise the person as Jake from one of my classes. He swipes his messy brown hair out of his eyes, before smiling at me widely.

"Cortelia, fancy seeing you here. Don't you usually get a lift home with Godfrey?" He asks, unzipping his bag and pulling out a can of energy drink. I nod sheepishly, before shuffling awkwardly away from him. Resting the side of my head on the cold window, I sigh and close my eyes in an attempt to clear Roman out of my head. But it's impossible. All I see is his emerald green eyes staring at me, tears brimming over his eyelids. My breath catches in my lungs and my eye lids snap open. Letting out a sigh of frustration, I pull my phone out of my pocket and shove my earbuds in to my ears. When the soothing voice of Dan Smith greets my ears I unwind into my seat.

As I let the musical magic that is Bastille wash through me I stare out of the window, watching the passing buildings. The bus stops and I spot an inconspicuous bar infront of the bus stop. A familiar brown haired tall figure walks through the open door. Roman. Letting out a sigh, I pause my music and quickly dial Olivia's number. She gave it to me in case of emergencies and I can't allow Roman to drink himself into stupor. He has to deal with his emotions properly and look after his liver.

"Hello, Cortelia. Is everything okay?" She answers after two rings and immediately questions me.

"Roman and I had a disagreement earlier. I'm on the school bus right now and I just saw him walk into a bar" I reply, nibbling my bottom lip nervously. Olivia sighs from the other side of the line.

"I'll sort him out. You get yourself home safely, darling" She responds, sounding slightly deflated.

"Okay, bye" I hang up soon afterwards and exhale loudly. Noticing that the bus is once again in motion, I pack my phone back into my bag swiftly.

"I don't see why you're worrying. Godfrey does worse" Jack raises his eyebrows at me and I tilt my head in confusion. Worse? "It's no secret to the town that he's addicted to cocaine, smokes and does many other things" He adds matter of factly, removing his earbuds and glancing out of the window.

"What?" I ask, dumbfounded and completely confused. Roman's not like that, is he? Jake nods, solemnly.

"I hate to be the one to break it to you, but he's not as perfect as you might think" He states. His tone incredibly patronising.

"I know that he's not perfect" I snap, turning away from Jake and gaze out of the window. When the bus begins to slow down as it nears my stop, I stand up and shove past Jake. Rushing to the front of the bus, as soon as it stops I jump off and hurriedly walk down the driveway to my house. The gravel crunching loudly as I stomp towards my house. My whole body is shaking when I shudder from anger.

I am done with men.

They can all go fuck themselves. Roman. Jake. Peter. All of them. I let out a huge sigh when I push open the front door and head upstairs towards my room, ready to play some loud music and forget about this messy business.

Just A Casual Nose Bleed (A Hemlock Grove/Roman Godfrey Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now