Chapter 14

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Niall's POV

It's gonna be hard to prevent her from talking she loves to talk.....a lot. we got up to leave she didn't even change or grab her crutches "boys get up we gotta go" they all moned "now!" "Ok ok chillax" she was waiting for them to get ready the way she was holding her leg made me nervous "here honey use you crutches" "but I-" "now" "fine whatever" I handed her crutches "come on I wanna leave!" She yelled at the boys "Jesus Christ Ashley calm your tits!" Louis said back everybody was silent until we got up to leave she stood in front of the door

Ashley's POV

"I'm sorry louis and the rest of you guy" I went and gave louis a hug "and I'm sorry for snapping at you Ash" I smiled and headed out the door "wh-" "Ash you cant talk" "but Ni-" "no buts no talking doctors instructions" "fi-" "shhhh!" I pouted and just kept going until we reached the car "how am I-" "ill help" I held onto the car and Zayn took my crutches and Niall helped me into the car "I'm-" "Ash my god" "sor-" "shhhh!" "But I'm-" "hungry I know your always hungry" I just sat there and leaned on Niall I really wanted a cup of tea I sat up and motioned holding a tea cup "ok well get some tea.....louis you wanna make some Yorkshire tea?" "Yes!" I clapped

Louis POV

Youkshire tea! Yes I haven't had some in forever I love it. We finally got home and liam went to all doors leading outside and locked them all and closed all blinds "what are you doing?" "What does it look like I'm locking the doors and flossing the blinds" "yea but why smartass" "cause of Ashley's father" "oh ok" I turned away and went to the kitchen "Harry!!!!" "What?" "What happened to the sugar?" "Uh nothing" "what did you do" "ill go get a new thin of sugar" "no what happened to it" "nothing ill go get a new one" "fine hurry up!" And harry left "Niall!?" "What!?" "Where's Ash? I need her!" "Ok one second" Ashley came in with her crutches I got out a sheet of paper "write down how you like your tea" she nodded and wrote hot with sugar quite a bit of sugar "ok nothing else how about you help me" she nodded and we made tea for everyone "you guys it's all ready!!!" Everyone ran in and grabbed a cup "thanks for the help ash" she smiled and nodded and took a cup and quickly set it down and shook her hand "did you burn yourself" she stopped and her eyes got wide and shook her hand again "what? Burn" and she pointed at me and put a finger on her nose "I hate charades" she rolled her eyes and motioned for a paper so I got her one and she wrote Burns is my last name she heard me snicker and she glared at me "sorry so Ashley Burns wanna tell the other boys" she nodded and we went into the livening room "lads meet Ashley Burns"

Liam's POV

"So that's your last name!" She shook her head she looked so happy and then looked down "what's wrong?" "I remember people made fun of me for my name" Niall didnt stop her from talking this time he got up and gave Ashley a hug

Niall's POV

"Well gee I'm sorry to hear that Ashley" she smiled and waved away as in the past "right! there you go it's all behind us now you have all of us" she smiled and nodded and sat down In between Me and Harry

Harry's POV

Ash poked me "what?" She made a game playing motion "wanna play a video game!" She nodded "how about COD" she shook her head I went and got the remotes for us. me and her went down to the floor and sat and played for a couple hours "your not bad " she smiled at me "you have a nice smile " she touched her chest and then mine "your welcome!" And she smiled

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