Chapter 31 : "I can't do this"

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I think you can tell who is who but just in case I'm going to tell you.
The two top pictures are what I think Naomi looks like.
The bottom left is Declan, the middle is Bennett, and the bottom right is Jordan!
Okay you can read now!

I yelped when he tossed me on the bed. My eyes widened when he crawled on top of me, this can't be happening.. right? I gripped his shirt when he became face to face with me. His stoic face never changed once. I wanted to reach up and flick his forehead so his face wouldn't be so hard to read. Does this guy always keep his face like this or is it just his natural face?

He was staring into my eyes for so long I started to think he wasn't going to do anything after all. Right when I'm about to tell him to kiss me or get off he spoke.

"I can't do this." and got off me.

I blinked. Then blinked again. Did he just say he can't do this? I quickly sat up when his words registered. "You can't do what?"

He turned to me and gripped my hands, "Naomi don't take that the wrong way." I'll admit his words did sting considering I was expecting him to kiss me.

"Bennett I don't know how you want me to take it." I looked at him with uncertainty.

He sighed, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. "I didn't say I can't do that because I didn't want to."

"That? As in kiss me?" He was acting strange.

"Naomi I would love to do nothing but make your lips red but I feel like I need to tell you the truth before I do that." The worry in his eyes and his twitching had me pulling my hands from his. Why do I feel like my heart's about to break?

"Bennett if you've kissed somebody else I don't want to kno-"

He cut me off, "What? You're the only person I've kissed since the 'Charlie's Angels'." Amusement danced in his features.

"Oh-kay, that's good to know but then what do you want to tell me?' I scratched my neck, I'm clearly confused on what's happening.

He smiled but that turned upside down when he started talking, "Do you remember the day we crashed at the Base, we had found you in the alley looking at Jordan's work?"

I nodded, "Yeah."

"I don't know if you remember this but that night you had called my sister and Lynn-" I nodded, I remember that conversation but how does he know- "You were acting weird that day and we were worried, so when Jordan heard you on the phone with them he came and got us. We listened in and then went back to bed."

I stared at him, my eye already starting to twitch. "So did you hear me telling them I liked you guys?" I've already confessed I liked them to them, I don't need to be shy about something that they have already heard.

He looked away. Which was all I needed to know the answer but his reply confirmed it. "Yes."

"I get being worried for me but to listen in on my conversation was an invasion of privacy."

He held my hands again. "Naomi I know and we were going to leave but then we heard our names and it was like we were stuck."

"Yeah stuck with your ear to the door!" I threw my hands up. I wasn't really that upset but I wanted his sweat to drop.

"Yes and I'm sorry but I wouldn't change that we did that." He truly looked sorry and I couldn't stay fake mad at him for long, especially when he gripped my hands again.

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