Chapter 18 : A Date Crashed

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"I'm nervous."

"Don't be, it's just a date right?" I nodded. "Then think about it as you hanging out with a friend." Sang offered as she sat on my bed watching me stress over a date with a guy that I don't like in a 'more than friend' way.

"But he's not my friend and I barely know anything about him, all I know about him is he has asthma and his name's Jack." I threw my hands up and fell on my bed face first.

"Do you like, like him?"

I peeked up at her, "No."

"Then what are you nervous about? You don't even like him like that so what does it matter if he thinks you're weird, you can just go back to being strangers if it doesn't go well because as you said, you barely know anything about each other." She smiled down at me.

I thought about it. She's right. I shouldn't feel nervous especially if I don't have any feelings towards him. I sat up and smiled at Sang, "Your right!" I hopped up and looked through my dresses one more time.

"Where's he taking you anyways?" I laughed knowing where he was taking me was completely out of my comfort zone and somewhere I would never go on my own. "This place called Modér, I looked it up and it's a really fancy place."

She raised her eyebrows, "That doesn't sound like a place you would want to go to."

"No it's not," I shook my head. "but the reviews said it had really good food."

"Now I get why you said yes." She laughed. I rolled my eyes finally picking a dress. I took it into the bathroom and put it on. I walked out and showed Sang. She whistled looking me up and down, "Dang you look beautiful!"

I laughed twirling. It was a black dress that was fitting up top but flowed out at my waist, it had a criss cross design at the top between the neckline and where my breast started. I really liked it and almost didn't want to wear it in fear I might spill something on it.

"How did Jordan react when you told him?" She leaned against the door frame of my bathroom and watched me attempt to do my hair and makeup.

I sighed, setting the curling iron down "Not that good."

"What happened?" We made eye contact in the mirror as I reached for my makeup bag.

"We were sitting down in the schools café and I bought him something to eat-"

I thanked the girl behind the counter and walked back to our table. I set Jordan's food down and watched his face light up, "Thank you!" I smiled and ate some of his fries.

He ate in silence looking out the window most of the time, making me do all the talking. "Hey um I have something to tell you and I don't want you to get mad or flip out."

"I can't promise that I won't get mad but I won't flip out." He raised an eyebrow at me. "What is it?"

I cleared my throat and took a drink of my tea before telling him, "I have a date." I closed my eyes and waited for him to yell or something but nothing happened. I peeked out at him and straightened. He looked at me with confusion written all over his face.

"As in a date like going out with someone or a date as in a fruit?"

I swallowed, "The first one."

"Oh." His eyebrows raised to his forehead. "Oh, wow."

"Are you mad?" I couldn't tell, all I could tell was that he was surprised.

He looked me straight in the eye and I could see jealousy and hurt in them, "..No."


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