Chapter 19: The Eating Contest - Part 2 (The Librarby)

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As Y/n was walking to the Librarby to get a cook book for Papyrus, he looked towards the entrance of the Librarby and saw Monster kid struggling to open the door as he watched him place his forehead on the door nob and twist it left and right before giving up with a defeated look on his face as he started to walk away.

Y/n ran after him, yelling,

Y/n: "Hey, Monster Kid! I Could Help You With Your Door Problem!"

Monster Kid looked behind him and saw Y/n running up to him. Once Y/n had reached him, Monster Kid smiled at Y/n and said,

Monster Kid: "Yo, really?"

Y/n smiled back and nodded his head as he turned around and began walking towards the Librarby door while Monster Kid followed him and excitedly said,

Monster Kid: "Yo! Thanks Y/n!"

He looked towards Monster Kid with a smile on his face and said,

Y/n: "Not a problem at all, buddy. I was actually gonna go here anyway, so it's a win-win situation."

Monster Kid smiled again as they reached the Librarby door. Y/n opened it and both of them went into the building, which turned out to be much larger than what it looked like on the outside. The shelves were so high that it could fit millions of books on them, each containing unlimited knowledge and wisdom that the humans on the surface would never be able to comprehend if they read it themselves.

Many tables and chairs were placed all over the building floor while some were... in the air? Y/n looked up and saw that there were also many chairs and tables floating in the air, defying gravity itself... it made him want to question it, but he just left it alone because it was...well, the underground.

Monster Kid then looked at Y/n who stared up at the floating tables in amazement, smiled and said,

Monster Kid: "I know, it's super cool right?"

Y/n nodded his head as he kept staring upwards, seeing floating chairs and tables float by. Monster Kid then continued,

Monster Kid: "Yeah, the Librarby has become way cooler since Mr. Didot took over for Mr. Falice, the old Librarbian."

Y/n looked at Monster Kid with a raised eyebrow and asked,

Y/n: "What happened to the old Librarbian?"

Monster Kid just shrugged his shoulders as he said,

Monster Kid: "I don't know, but I remember him saying something about the 'Core' whatever that is and talking about some unfinished business, and he hasn't come back since."

Y/n nodded as he thought to himself,

Y/n: ('What is 'the Core'? And he hasn't come back? Hmm...')

Monster Kid: "Alright, thank you for opening the door for me, Yo! See ya later!"

Monster Kid said as he ran towards the large bookshelves. Y/n then waved to him after he was brought out of his thoughts. He then took a step forward in order to explore the book shelves but was stopped as the sound of hooves thumping against the wooden floor was heard on his right.

He then looked to his right to be met with a skull, a deer skull at that. It had three eye sockets, one on each side of its skull and one in the middle, each one had white pupils, the same as Sans. As it breathed, small puffs of steam came out of the nostrils of the skull.

It's antlers were large as multiple horns sat atop of them while two small horns sat atop of its skull. At the front of its skull, it had long tusk like teeth which looked like it could penetrate the toughest material known to man.

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