𝑩𝒆𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝑪𝒉𝒐𝒊𝒄𝒆𝒔 👑 TXT

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Transferring to a new school feels like being forcefully kicked out of your comfort zone. Like, you'd been used to your old school and all the people there, and then all of a sudden, you're going to leave everything behind. Going to start a new life in a place where everything is foreign and vague. And then trying to cope up with the new surroundings and worst, the struggles to make new friends.

With a sigh, I gripped the edges of my skirt, glaring at the towering building in front of me. My new school, MOA Academy.

Hope everything goes well....

I though before I proceed to enter the building. And as soon as I stepped inside, looks of confusion and interest was thrown at me. I try to ignore the stares and focused on finding my way to my room. Just as I was reading my schedule slip, someone tapped my shoulder.

I twirl around only to be meet by an ethereal face.

"Excuse me? Are you a transfer?"

He asked cutely.

Wow his cheeks. They look so squishy but it goes well with his handsome face. I wonder how soft would it be if I just poke it. Or even pinch it - I bet it's as soft as a cotton.


I snapped out of my daze when the guy flicked his fingers in front of me.

"U-Uh, I'm sorry what?" I stuttered.

And of course I could feel that I am blushing hard because of embarrassment. What the hell am I thinking?! Get a grip of yourself Y/N!

The guy only chuckled. And why didn't I notice earlier that he's hella tall? I look like a freaking dwarf next to him. And I'm not exaggerating, I think I'm going to have a stiff neck from looking up at him.

"Are you one of the transfers? I've never seen you before. I'm Soobin by the way."

"Oh, yes. I'm new here. I'm Y/N, and I'm actually looking for my room." I answered, showing him my slip.

"You're in 2-A! Same class as my friend. I can show you to your room if you want to. But, you have to choose a club first."

I furrowed my eyebrows, befuddled. Choose a club?

"You probably don't know," he laughed a little. And I swear my heart just combust with uwus at how cute he looks.

"You're supposed to choose a club on your first day here in MOA Academy. There are 5 clubs in active here. One is the Dance Club, the Music Club, then there's the Art Club, Sports Club of course; and my club - Library Club!"

He finished the last sentence sounding like a proud father who just witnessed his child graduate. I can't help but to smile, nodding as I try to remember the clubs he had mentioned. So I have to choose a club before actually starting to study huh, that's something.

"Well, I'm not really familiar here or with these clubs. So I don't think I can choose now." I said.

"No worries! Since it's your first day, I can introduce you to the other club presidents so you can explore the facilities!"

He beamed and motioned for me to follow him. I was even more baffled then. Are students really supposed to cut classes on their first day here? Well, if my teacher scolded me for not attending class, I'll just tell him/her to find the cute tall boy who had dragged me somewhere.

As we walk, Soobin can't stop talking about things. He'll ask me questions about myself and instead of feeling annoyed like I would always have if someone is trying to know everything about me, I found myself enjoying the interest he's showing to me.

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