𝑼𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑺𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒓 👑 Choi Yeonjun

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"I'll be going now."

Yeonjun announced as he grabbed the doorknob, tilting his body back to face his friends.

"Be careful hyung! See you tomorrow!"

Beomgyu waved merrily at the older boy before engaging himself on tackling Taehyun and Huening Kai.

Yeonjun laughed upon seeing Soobin's disgusted face at the youngers' behavior. He closed the door of their practice room behind him before walking out of the building. It was almost 3 in the morning and Yeonjun is pretty tired and hungry. He would've stayed and sleep in the practice room but he needs to get some clothes.

Being a trainee is tough....

As soon as he stepped outside the building, the cold night air blew on him, making him shiver involuntarily. Since his house is pretty near, he decided to just walk to at least fight the sleepiness that is starting to engulf him.

The street is completely empty, aside from the cars that occasionally passed by. And Yeonjun, used to this kind of surroundings, just walk casually while humming to himself, recalling the steps they had practiced for today.

All of a sudden, three guys immerged from a dark alley on his right. Yeonjun's heart almost jolted. He's always taking this route on his way home and he had never seen these guys before. And Yeonjun's instinct told him that they meant trouble. And not just simple trouble, but danger.

Especially when all of them seemed to be following him.

He decided to act calm and ignore the presence, but his movements turned brisk. His eyes frantically roamed around the street, hoping to see anyone who could at least help him if ever these guys did something to him. But to his disbelief, it was only him, and the strangers in the middle of the night, in this isolated street.

Yeonjun's heart is beating rapidly inside his chest as he quickened his pace. His only hope right now is the convenience store almost ten steps away in front of him. But could he really make it? When the mysterious men are now just right behind him.

"Hey, dude."

A hand grabbed his shoulder, halting his steps.

Yeonjun felt as though his insides had turned to ice. Fear gnawed on his nerves as the strangers converged around him, giving him no chance at escaping. The men were all wearing mask, and one of them even has a knife in hand.

Yeonjun's heart just dropped to the soles of his feet. This is it, he's doomed, he just knew it.

"You look like you have a lot of money in you. Mind giving us some?"

The guy who has a hand on Yeonjun's shoulder asked, chuckling like a maniac afterwards.

"C'mon dude, we all want to get home. Just give us yo-"

"Yah you dickheads!"

A loud voice had broken the peaceful silence of the night. Yeonjun, along with the thief's turned to look at the owner of that voice. A girl in school uniform is standing a few feet in front of them, her hands on her waist. The men chuckled, amused by the bravery of the small girl.

"Hey little girl. You know you shouldn't really shout like that. Look, no one can really hear you. Why don't you come join our fun?"

You huffed after hearing these words.

"Don't you have anything to do? Aside from stealing things that are not even yours?!"

You shouted, not even scared at the fact that these guys are twice your size. The men snickered and you hate the look they are giving you, as if what you just said is really funny. It's plain obvious that they are not taking you seriously. Your words just amused them.

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