- Chapter 06 -

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~ Khamoshiyan bol deti hai jinki baatein nahi hoti, 

           Ishq unka bhi kayam rehta hai jinki mulakatein nahi tohi ~

|| Aryan ||

" Hi? " Miss Nerdy/Angry Bird replied in a confused tone.

" So, what are you doing here all alone? See everyone's enjoying their time! " I said.

" Yeah, I can see that very well. People are flirting, dancing, singing, drinking, making out, gossiping, bitching, clicking pictures the usual "FUN" stuff " she replied taking a glance towards the camp area.

" I mean yeah, what else do you want them to. Isn't this the usual normal stuff?  " I asked with an amused expression.

" Whatever leave it, anyways you said right this is the usual normal stuff. Then why are you sitting here where is your " Miss I Can't Live A Second Without My Boyfriend "? " she replied in a dramatic way.

" LMAO! First of all, she is not my girlfriend, she just has a fascination with me and secondly, I don't know and I don't care! " I replied with a full attitude.

" Cool! " she slightly hummed getting back on her book, while I just sat down gazing up at the sky and a peaceful silence engulfed us.

" You're Indian? " she asked all of a sudden looking straight right into my eyes.

" Yeah, and you? " I asked, looking at her skin tone and the way she looks I could figure out she is from Asia. 

" Pakistani " she replied with a small smile.

~ Tu bin bataye le chal mujhe kahin,

           Jahan tu muskuraye meri maanzil wahin ~

" Oh Okay " I replied.

" Yeah. " she asked taking a sip from her mug.

" Is that beer? " I asked trying to make the surrounding a bit adjusting.

" Lol no, Black Coffee. " she replied.

" So why Film making? " she asked suddenly.

" Let me guess. You wanna be famous, earn lots of money and all. I mean I don't get, why people are so attracted to the entertainment industry, it's fake and full of lies! You guys sell fake dreams and hope, make innocent souls fall for those dreams, and then break them in the end " she urged and I just sat there watching her in with an amused expression.

" Umm, you've quite a good perspective. Well, I personally wanted to learn Film Making because it is an Art, and Art is very powerful. It could be painting, singing, dancing, acting, cooking, and even if you are studying Criminal Law is an Art as well. It's an Art of Law and Justice. You are correct, we do sell dreams and hopes and mostly fictional stupid love stories. However, what to do we just present what the audience wants to see, it's prominently not in our hands " I replied while she just gave me a stern look.

" So you're going back to " Bollywood " and starting your career from there? " she asked.

" Don't know Woman, haven't thought about it yet. " I replied nonchalantly gazing up at the sky again.

" Come here guys, we're serving dinner. " a volunteer urged.

" Coming! " we replied and made our way towards the Camp Area.

" Oh by the way Kainaat Sahani. " Miss Angry Bird urged suddenly turning towards me.

" Aryan. " I replied with a small smile and we finally shook our hands.

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