You Are My Will To Exist

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                You deserve the love you give.


" Aryan you need to understand. This is not correct, we'll get help. I won't let anything happen to you! " Kai said panicking making Aryan sit on the couch.

Taken aback by her sudden outburst, Aryan grabbed her right arm and yanked her towards himself. He made her forcefully sit on his lap and twisted her right arm behind and held the left one with his other free hand, too tightly to her liking. 

" If you think for even one millisecond that you can walk out on me and I will let you go, then you are highly mistaken Sunshine. "  Aryan said in between clenched teeth and leaning close to her neck.

" But.....but I.........don't love you. " Kai said as tears made their way down her cheeks.

She just couldn't say anything other than that. Long gone was the sassy, strong-headed, and straight to the facts Kainaat. She was slipping out of her own control, she knew this; even he knew this. 

" You do! You " Aryan whispered keeping his head on her left shoulder.

" And for the matter of fact, this is not just about reassurance, Kainaat. It's so much more than that. " Aryan said as he brought their joint hands towards his lips and gave a sweet lingering kiss on her knuckles, massaging the tender muscles present there.

" I know, I'm behaving like a psychotic person. I get overly possessive about the people and things I love, and you have unintentionally become one. Well, what you don't probably know is that for the past few months I'm having this almost overpowering urge to chain you to myself and vanish away. Just run to a place where it's just going to be the two of us. Just the two of us. Well, yes, I'm absolutely aware of how demented and selfish that sounds. " Aryan said.

Kainaat sighed feeling defeated.

" How do I fight with your memories Kainaat? How do I steal you from time? How can I erase your nightmares? Those nightmares which stop you from accepting me! " Aryan exclaimed.

" My need for you never ends. The wanting never stops, it always escalates. When will it be enough? When will my love and affection for you be enough? " Aryan whispered making her shiver.

" Aryan, I- " Kai tried to calm him down.

" I know you do not understand. " Aryan interrupted her, making her sit on the couch he got up and walked towards the window.

A busy Mumbai night. Heavy traffic and miseries all mixed. All hearts are silently praying to the Almighty to get them through another hectic week ahead.

" You don't understand, you can't possibly even know the need I have inside me. It always claws at me! It claws back at me, do you get that? There are times I don't want this, I don't want to engulf you in my own darkness, I don't want to destroy your life being with me, but it just doesn't stop! " Aryan exclaimed taking long strides towards her and yanked her towards himself. 

" I know, Aryan. " Kai urged as she held his face with both her hands and pressed her soft pouty luscious lips on his forehead.

" You know there are times when I just look at you and think that I couldn't possibly love you more than I do in the given moment. Moments where I feel that my heart will just burst and explode. Then, the very next moment I just love you more than I did before. Every time I feel that I won't be able to physically bear it anymore, I just simply do, I simply survive it all. " Aryan expressed.

Another tear then trailed down Kainaat's cheek and Aryan held her close, close to his heart. He then pressed his lips to her forehead. Kainaat's arms went around his waist and she closed her eyes keeping her head on his chest, just simply trying to live the moment.

" When I came back to India, life still went on but I just couldn't function. This made me realize that I can live without you. I have my own goals, family, friends, countless obligations that would always keep me going. Sure, every single second of it will be a living nightmare, but I can make this work. Well, it will make me Angry, Frustrated, Irritated, and sometimes Murderous. It's just that, I can survive without you, but I wouldn't want to. You aren't my reason to live, you are my will to exist. " Aryan said keeping his head above hers.

P.S - How are you all liking Aryan's character? I mean, yes, he is kind of dark and scary but at the same time sweet and compassionate as well. Let's see how he evolves in the next chapters.

Hey guys, sorry I had a busy schedule so I couldn't manage time to sit down and write. Hopefully, the next update would be there soon (fingers crossed).

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