Title match/ Final Chapter

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Nalani POV

2 years later

I was bouncing my beautiful 1 year old baby boy Riley Colby Lee Good on my hip as we watched his father in the ring with his uncles. We named him after Colby since he was The Godfather obviously. After the whole Evolution thing Seth turned his back on his brother to join the Authority and him Dean and Roman have been fighting ever since. Behind closed doors we are all still a big happy family, it's just on screen we hate each other. My Husband was the current Heavyweight champion and in a big rivalry with his former shield brothers. They all held the title in one night which was legendary may I add, he was so excited that night and let me tell he made sure I knew it in the bedroom.

"Hey Mommas, hello cutie! Ugh he's so precious I swear I could just kiss his cheeks all day" Becky said in her thick Irish accent, he giggled. Me and Becky became real good friends ever since she first came to Raw, she seen me as a Veteran here and even looked up to me. She was the sweetest diva and now women's superstar, she was apart of the women's revolution.

"He's a handful but I wouldn't have it any other way, he's my handsome little boy" I said, she smiled "You ready for tonight, cause I can't wait to see you kick Charlotte's arse" she said jumping up and down, I giggled "You know it, I've been waiting for this moment for what seems like years" I said, and it truly was I never officially got her back for all the pain she caused me.

"Go get that championship babygirl, bring it home so we can have a real Queen running the show" she said, the boys segment had been over so it was my time to go out. Charlotte was chopping her jaws about me so I smiled evilly. I handed Riley over to Becky and he played with her hair happily, she bounced him with joy. I made this match a no disqualification match, cause I had a few tricks up my sleeve for tonight

I, I'ma do you dirty
Say you love me now
But baby, it's too early
I, I'ma do you dirty
You think you love me now
I think you should be worried

I made my way to the ring skipping crazily, I had taken a bit of AJ's gimmick when she left. She was my best friend and plus creative didn't mind, they loved it actually. I had slip ups from my Harley side every now and then but nothing as bad as before. Tonight I was gonna bring her out, it was time for her to play with little miss Flair. I got in the ring taking off my leather jacket, she glared at me and I returned it

"This match is scheduled for one fall and it is a no disqualification match with The Raw Women's championship on the line. The challenger from Pensacola Florida, NALANI AMBROSE!!!.... The current Raw women's champion  from Charlotte North Carolina, CHARLOTTE FLAIR!!!" The announcer yelled and she raised the title before giving it to the ref. He signaled for the bell and the match started

She was actually like a scaredy cat as always, didn't want me to touch her. I huffed one annoyance but kept my cool, I wasn't gonna let her get to me or let her steal my chance at getting this title. I worked hard to get where I am today while she had her father in her corner, and also his name

Later in the match

We were both down and my body was in pain, I heard a voice in my head chanting a name... "Harley, Harley... HARLEY.. HARLEY!!" Each time it got louder and louder, I pulled myself up on the ropes with a sinister smile. When she turned around I hit her with a stunner, she was a little out of it so I ran at her with a spear, I covered her but she kicked out

"Why won't you stay down" I yelled, I was starting to get frustrated and that wasn't gonna help me. I grabbed her by her hair and lifted her up, this would hopefully put her away for good this time. I set her up for dirty deeds, and pinned her

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