Losin' Control

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I can hear your laugh, it's ringing through the hallways
I can see your smile, it's what gets me through my hard days
And your words were supposed to get me
Through my heartache, before my heartbreak
There's an emptiness that only few ever feel
And I somehow missed the meaning of love that is real
And it compliments my scars that will never heal

~ Kehlani - The Letter

This chapter has a very sensitive topic in it so I want to forewarn everyone before they read. This chapter includes a very sensitive topic so I don't want anyone to be shocked or say I didn't warn you. I take this topic very seriously and I hope everyone that goes through this gets the help they need ❤️

Dean POV

I woke up with a pounding headache, I guess I got a little too drunk last night. Some memories came rushing back though, I remember Harley telling me she loved me. She said she loved all of us, and that she always would. I wonder what the hell that meant, I got up and went to the guys room

"Guys is Harley in here?" I asked, they shook their heads recovering from their hangovers "Harley told me she loved me last night, I know I probably shouldn't have remembered it but I did. She said she loved all of us, what do you think it means?" I asked, Seth looked at Roman and I "It could mean anything" he said quickly, I frowned "What do you mean it could mean anything, what do you know Rollins" I growled out

"Look I'm not gonna tell someone else's secret, I won't betray her trust like that. When she's ready she'll tell you, until then get over it Ambrose" Seth said and walked out, I looked at Roman "He's never snapped like that, I wonder what's wrong with him?" Roman said, I sighed "I don't know but I'll figure it out later" I said, I hope I'd figure it out sooner rather than later

Nalani POV

1 week before payback

I knew what I was doing was backwards and just downright insane, I needed to change some things. I was starting to go insane again, I felt old feelings come back. I was feeling the crazy urge return, I was feeling the of me being out of control. I had been spiraling out of control for the last couple weeks, I hadn't bothered to tell anyone about it though. I was in the bathtub in my hotel room, I was shaking and I couldn't stop. I grabbed my pill bottle, it was still half full since I stopped taking them two months ago. I downed half the bottle and swallow with pure tequila, it burned going down my throat. I knew it would take awhile to kick in so I grabbed my razor blade and began to slice my wrists. My vision was blurry from my tears, I hated myself. I hated how I was... I was weak, blind, stupid, not enough. I had let down my family, my friends, what could've been my future husband. I loved my brother, my best friend and my boyfriend... My brother had been my protecter since the day I was born, Seth was my best friend since he met me, he made sure I was always okay being his little sister. Dean was a protective boyfriend, he was a loving boyfriend, my bear and my soul combined. I loved him more than myself, and now I was letting him go finally. He needed someone better than me, hopefully he'd find her. I felt myself slipping, I didn't fight it. I let the darkness surround me and I welcomed it


I was going to see how Nalani was doing, I hadn't heard from here in a long time. I called her but she wasn't picking up, I knocked on her door but got no answer. I noticed it was open so I went it, no one was here. I seen the bathroom door slightly cracked open, I went in and my heart dropped

"NALANI.... LANI!!!! WAKE UP SIS PLEASE!!!" I screamed and begged but she wasn't waking up, I took my phone outta my pocket and called Phil "PHIL baby listen to me, come to room 405 and call 911 Nalani is unconscious!" I said hurriedly, I hung up and called them myself

"911 what's your emergency?" They said "My sister is unconscious in a hotel bathroom I need an ambulance quickly" I cried "where's your location sweetie?" She asked, I told her "Okay an ambulance is coming as quick as they can, hold on things will be fine we'll take care of everything" she said, I hung up as Phil came rushing in the room

Five minutes later the ambulance was here and I road in it with her, Phil was in a car right behind us. I was so worried, she wasn't moving and I don't even know I f she's breathing anymore. When we got there they immediately rushed her in the back, I had to stay in the lobby with Phil. I couldn't hold back my cries anymore and I started sobbing, Phil pulled me into his lap and I cried in his chest

"It's okay April, they'll fix her and she'll be alright. We gotta have faith okay, she's a strong ass fighter she always has been" he said, I cried harder. He took out his phone and called Hunter "Hey Hunter I've got some bad news for you and Steph, Harley is in the hospital. She overdosed on some alcohol, pills and cut herself, April found her passed out in the bathroom. She was rushed to the hospital" he said, a lump catching in his throat

"Do you have any details on how she is currently?" I heard Steph ask "No, no word on how she is but I'll update you guys as things progress" he said, they agreed and ended the call. We sat in silence until anything came up

Seth's POV

I was training with the guys in the gym, I was running in the treadmill when I seen Stephanie and Hunter come up to me

"Seth we need to speak with you and the guys about something" Stephanie said, I could see she had been crying. The guys came over already on the defense "Look we're not here for business, this is much more personal. Harley was hospitalized earlier today on a possible overdose, she's being evaluated now but we've heard nothing bad. She's in pretty bad shaped right now, we're hoping she'll recover but we don't know right now" Stephanie said crying, hunter pulled her close to him. I looked at Dean and it was like he was frozen, Roman had a blank look in his face

"Thank you for telling us, we really appreciate it. We'll go visit her, now actually" I said, we all got our stuff and got a ride to the hospital. When we got there we seen April and Phil, I went over to them "Have you guys heard anything back yet?" I asked, April shook her head "They haven't told us anything, we're hoping to hear something soon" April said, the boys came over

4 hours later

The doctor came and approached us all, we all shot straight up not knowing what to expect. "Due to her not wanting anyone to know her name, Harley is doing much better than when she first came in. She still hasn't woken up yet, but we hope she does soon. She didn't do anything to cause substantial damage, but we did have to bandage her arm. She should heal easily and be fine very soon, we'll get you more updates soon" the doctor said walking away, I breathed a sigh of relief

Roman, Dean and I had to go cause of Raw, we had a Raw contract signing for payback Sunday. I didn't wanna leave big I had too, I just prayed she would be fine. I needed my little sister just like Roman did, Dean needed the love of his life whether he knew it or not. I just prayed it all worked out

I'm so sorry if I made any of y'all cry 😭 with this chapter, I love all of you that take the time to read this book and love it the way you do. I appreciate all of you amazing people ❤️

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