Feeling Alive

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Nalani POV

3 days later

I felt like I was floating in nothing but darkness and I was lost, I didn't wanna be where I was anymore. I seen a flash and then everything was pure white, it was snowy and beautiful.

"My child I think it's time me and you talked, come with me" the figure said walking, I followed them. When I got beside them I realized it was my grandma Safina Anoaʻi "Grandma Fina it's really you! Oh my God, did I die?" I asked, she shook her head "No you didn't die Samaria, your just not awake yet. Before you wake up, I need to show you something" she said, she used my real name. She moved her hand and the boys appeared

They were all torn up, I seen Colby crying. Joe was hurting, he never showed to much emotion. Jonathan had red eyes, he had been crying he never cried. I seen Phil comforting AJ, he was a wreck too. I had caused this because I was too far gone down a pain h of destruction, I caused the hurt this time. On one hand now they felt the pain I did when they abandoned me, but on the other I feel like the bad guy

"You see your family misses you, even with them not knowing your real identity. It's time for you to go home, Harley isn't who you are Samaria, Nalani Reigns is who you are" My grandma said, I smiled cause she was right. Harley was a cold blooded human, I'm not. "Thank you gram I think it's time I go home, I think it's time I showed the world I'm still here" I said, she chuckled "Show em you never left and your betta then ever Samaria" she winked and gave me a fist pound "I love you Grandma Safina" I kissed her cheek and she kissed mine back

"I love you more babygirl" she disappeared, and the lights started to get brighter and brighter. My eyes fluttered open, and I looked around till I seen a doctor "Miss Samaria Anoaʻi your awake, you have ya all quite a scare there but not damage done, only thing that needed to be bandaged up was your arm" Dr. Jenkins said, I nodded "When can I get outta here?" I asked my voice raspy

"You can leave right now if you'd like, I'll get your release papers for you" he said, I rolled out of the hospital bed putting on my clothes. By the time he came back I was ready to go, apparently they had all my stuff here. I had to catch a flight to the next city since they were gone already, I boarded the plane and sat down. I sighed my nerves were already on edge but I wasn't gonna let it get to me, I was going to reclaim my true throne and this time with real vengeance

Randy POV

I was upset about Nalani, when I heard what happened I couldn't help but feel guilty. I feel like I robe her to this point, I used her just to get back at those boys. I knew it was my time to finally get revenge, I played it so perfectly until it almost took her life. We were four days away from Extreme Rules and I needed my head on straight, I couldn't worry about anything but the task at hand

"You ready for this Match Sunday Orton?" Hunter asks, I chuckled darkly "When am I not ever ready for a match, of course Hunter I'm beyond ready. I get to bury these mutts once and for all, this has been a dream in the making" he smiled and pat me on the back "Good that's why your the future face of this company, your a top dog here" he said, I kept my eyes on the screen

"I know your worried about Harley, but you gotta know she'll be fine. If she comes back you already know who she's fighting for and against, she picked her side it's Hounds vs Business" he said, my eyes narrowed "I guess your right those mutts got in he head, but come Sunday I'll show her they're nothing" I said and walked to my locker room, I stopped worrying about her and put my focus on this match.

I was gonna take these dogs out permanently!

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