New Motives...?!

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Randy POV

Monday night Raw

I've been sitting and pondering what the hell made Harley do what she did last Monday on Raw, why did she help those puppies win? Why is she back in their corner, the same ones who nearly killed her. The ones who hurt her beyond recognition, she's gonna give me some answers and they better be good ones

Nalani POV

"Harley can I have a word with you?" Randy said knocking on my door "What do you want Randy, I thought we established this already I don't want to see you. Not after you kissed Charlotte like I meant absolutely nothing to you, and this isn't Harley talking. This is the real me Randal, this is Nalani I thought for one second we had something and then you go and do this" I say calmly which kinda scares me

"Nalani we do have something, don't let those mutts cloud your judgement. Look you'd be a valuable asset to the Authority, your ruthless, you have aggression, you are a dominant diva on this division. Charlotte's not I think you've shown everyone your not to be fucked with, join us.... join me Nalani" Randy says this offer is tempting but I can't just go back on how I feel about the Authority not now "Look I've done a lot of fucked up shit to the Authority Randal, and I'm not going back now. I can't that would be against my nature, and my character plus the shield want me to join them" I say rolling my eyes like I'd ever team up with them again

"Maybe that's not such a bad idea and hear me out, I know you don't wanna mess with the Authority because of your image. But maybe you can be our secret weapon, join the shield find out their plans and you come back to tell us so we can defeat them once and for all" Randy says smiling evilly I honestly have to say that's a good plan

"Mhm that actually does sound like a good plan, when do you suppose I start cause I can tonight if you want?" I say smiling evilly "Good I'll talk to Hunter and Steph they'll be happy to have someone on the inside for us, just like I'll be happy to be inside you again" Randy says kissing me and I kisses back "Hey keep it PG weirdo I'm glad to have you back Randy, I felt a little alone without you I have to say" I murmur against his lips

"You didn't think I was just gonna let you go did you... I made a promise and I intend to keep it even if it kills me" Randy says kissing me again, I mentally rolled my eyes "Thank you Randy, well I better go find those boys if you need me to start right away. I wanna be a good asset to the Authority and my baby" I say winking as we both leave my dressing room "I'll see you tonight your coming back to my hotel, I haven't been with you in awhile and I missed you in my bed. But let me go wouldn't want to keep them waiting" Randy says before winking at me I think this should be fun

If I remember correctly, I know where the Shields hideouts are. Oh bingo they're exactly where I thought they were

"Your not as secretive with these places as I thought, so predictable" I say chuckling as they look at me shocked as I found them "How did you find our hideout, no ones ever found out hideouts?" Seth asks as I roll my eyes

"Ughh whatever I'm here to take you three up on that Shield joining offer, I think that maybe I could be a valuable asset to your team. I hate the Authority and so do you, we could be a the most powerful faction WWE has ever seen" I say as I try not to look at Dean glaring daggers at me "Well it looks like you've just been added into the Shield Harls, you start tonight we're going up against Kane and Randy" Roman says as I think back to what Randy said

"Hmm should be interesting the big red clown and the garden snake" I say as Roman and Seth chuckle Dean just rolls his eyes "Someone's grumpy today aren't they?" I cooed making Dean growl "Bite me" Dean says I smile evilly "Don't mind if I do lunatic" I say winking, he glares at me

We all head to the shields entrance as we hear their theme go off

Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima. Delta. Shield

Going through the crowd we hop over the barricade and get into the ring. I grab a microphone and begin talking

"Evolution, the Authority, Charlotte, Summer Rae the names of the people I set out to destroy and take down. That's right along with these hounds of course... now you know I'm not one for teaming up but this, this right here is golden. We will reign supreme over this entire roster, cause we're just that good. Now if a diva back there wants to see why I'm the true Queen, be my guest come on out-" I say but I'm interrupted by Summer Rae

"Look you freaking psycho, Dean is mine not yours. Matter of fact the shield is my team not yours, they got rid of the first diva and I know they won't hesitate to get rid of you. Your nothing but a freak-

I kick her and give her the twist of fate that I learned from Jeff Hardy a long time ago putting her down then kicking her out the ring

"As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, any diva can try to come at me. But I guarantee you the results will always be in my favor, so pick and choose your battles wisely" I throw the mic before getting out the ring going back through the barricade with the boys

Later that night

"You did amazing tonight baby I'm so proud of you you'll be champion in no time. The divas can't compare to you my even Summer or Charlotte I can't wait to see us with gold" Randy says before turning me around

"The Crazy and the Viper ruling the WWE I can see it now... the King and Queen reigning over all, I like the sound of it actually" I giggle before kissing him

"Look I have to run an errand here's our room key baby, I'll be back soon okay go to the hotel and relax" he says kissing me once more before leaving

I sigh but go up to our room and take a shower putting on some pjs, before laying in bed. I realize Randy isn't coming back anytime soon so I fall asleep thinking,

Do I really want to be apart of the Authority and betray the same brothers who betrayed me? Or do I look play this by ear and figure it as I go?

I think I'll just go with the flow for now who knows it might not be for long.....

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