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The trial of the state of Anambra vs Kimberly Jacobs Harrison for the murder of her husband, Mr Richard Harrison.

“My Lord, my source has pleased to remain anonymous. However, I have proof-” Jasmine walked up to the judge and dropped a file in front of him “-that Kimberly Jacobs’ company is not accruing much profit like it used to do. She owes banks and other…”

“Objection, my Lord!”

Jasmine continued, raising her voice “persons. Another motive for her to have killed her husband is to obtain his life insurance benefits”.

At that moment, Jean was also screaming, “no testimony can be admissible if the witness is not willing to swear and testify before this court. Besides, we have no proof that this piece of document is even true if we cannot cross-examine the so-called source of the story!”

“Inspector Jasmine. Next time defence counsel objects, you must pause and listen to me” Judge Nnamdi fumed.

He looked at the document in his hand, after a while he said, “Inspector Jasmine, we’ll receive this evidence only when your source is willing to be questioned by this court” He said.

“Thanks, my Lord” Jasmine said. The main thing was that she said all that she planned. The court may not accept it but the media had gotten it. There were still more aces in her sleeve.

“Mr Nonso, did your team discover any item in Mrs Kimberly Jacobs’ home after we obtained a search warrant during her arrest?”

“Yes” Forty years old Nonso Ikueze said.

“What could that be?” Jasmine asked, as though surprised.

“A blood-stained knife in a plastic nylon beneath her bed”.

“A blood-stained knife?” Jasmine shuddered. “What can you tell you this court from the test you carried out on the knife?”

“The knife was the one used to murder Mr Richard Harrison” Nonso said.

“How do you know this?” She asked.

“The blood on the knife. And the edge of the knife which matched the shape of Richard’s injuries”.

Jasmine shook her head. “By testing this knife which was used to kill Mr Richard. Can you help this court find out the person that murdered him?”

“Why not?” Nonso said.

“How can this court do that?” Jasmine asked.

“Simply by testing the knife and finding the fingerprint on it” He replied.

“And did you test for the fingerprint?”

“Yes, I did” he nodded.


“The print was run against others in the police database”

“And?” “It matched someone’s own” Nonso answered.

Jasmine shook her head in confusion. “But, Mr Nonso, isn’t it possible for two people to have the same fingerprint on the database?”

Nonso shook his head stubbornly, “Impossible. Every human has a unique fingerprint”.

“What of identical twins?” Jasmine asked.

“There’re still differences in their fingerprints” Nonso insisted.

Jasmine nodded as if she was an eager student absorbing knowledge from a genius.

“Mr Nonso, kindly tell this court whose fingerprint was on the knife” Jasmine said.

Nonso adjusted his glasses and responded, “there is no doubt that the fingerprint on the knife belongs to Mrs Kimberly Harrison”.

A Psychotic Killer? How to Get Away!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ