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“You killed my mother” Kim said and held Fr. Mark’s hand that was aiming a knife towards her face.

“You and another young boy were the ones arguing with her that night” Kim said, pieces of her memory coming back to her.

“Now you know!” Fr. Mark thundered. After he killed Kim’s mother and later on, the boy that was with him that night. Out of fear, he ran to the seminary where he knew no one would ever suspect of finding a murderer. “It’s because of Richard you’ve been alive so far. You’ll join him soon” He said.

“You killed Richard” Kim said.

“And I’ll do it again” He said and removed the knife from her face. He had better plans. As was his method, someone or something else must pay for his crime. Kim’s death would look like an accident. And everyone would fall for it, just like the way he made Kim the prime suspect in Richard’s murder after he made her hold that kitchen knife - Richard’s murder weapon – to cut the loose thread of his cloth and so, her fingerprint was left on the handle of the knife.

Kim’s eyelids were shaking. “You drugged me. You drugged everyone’s coffee” Kim said, feeling drowsy.

“And I’ll do it again” Fr. Mark hit her face.

He hit her again. “Your mother was just like you. She saw things she shouldn’t see” Fr. Mark said and lifted her from the recliner. Placed her near Silvia who was now lying on the floor.

“What’re you doing?” Kim asked feebly.

“What do you think?” He said. “I’m burning you all” he replied. “It’s almost two am. Perfect time for houses and people to blow up. No one would notice” He said “Or maybe, I’ve a better surprise that when you die no one would notice for days”.

Tiredly, Kim said, “Who else is in the house?”

Fr. Mark cackled, “don’t worry, your family left. Ethan will finally get the company when you’re gone. That’s if there’s still any cash left in it” He said.

“You’re the one” Kim said.

“The thief in my company” She said “And the thief in Richard’s gallery”.

“I’ll kill you today. No more escape from my traps” He said.

“You set me up” Kim said. 

Fr. Mark opened the door of the office. He carried Silvia on his shoulder and dragged Kim on the floor as he walked ahead.

“You were the one that told the police that I’m Mimi”

“And that Angel isn’t Richard’s child” He said and smirked, “Is that all your brain have been able to put together? You aren’t so smart, after all”.

Kim paused. Exhausted and said, “when I was in prison, you never wanted me to escape. Your plan was for me to get caught and be killed on sight”. So that she never remembers that she saw him kill Richard.

He turned back and grinned.

“You planned the elevator and car accidents” she said. “I should have known. You used to fix my mum’s car”.

He beamed again and spoke with pride “thirty years later. Believe me, my skills have exceeded my dreams”.

“You planted-” Kim’s words cut. She was fatigued and unable to move any part of her body. “You planted the investigative report in Connor’s office”.

“You’re losing your brilliance” he said. “I sent it to him anonymously-” He paused “-with a threat on your life”.

“Why?” Tears slid from her eyes. “Richard and I loved you. We treated you right. Instead of stealing from us, why didn’t you ask…?”

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