Chapter 7: They Both Smell Good.

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// Arianna // 

"You coming down for breakfast, Ari?" 

I looked up as I finished tying my running shoes. Niall was looking down at me and leaning on the door frame of my hotel room. I shook my head, walking past him to the mirror next to the door. 

"No thanks. I'll eat when I come back from my run." I explained as I tied my hair up in a high ponytail.

He nodded and smiled. He still waited at the door, holding it a bit open.

He was such a gentleman.

His back was leaning on the frame and he just continued to watch me get ready. I felt uneasy knowing that he was focusing his attention on me. 

"Enjoying the view?" I smirked.

I raised an eyebrow at him and he laughed, shaking his head. He looked away and I saw his cheeks turn pink. I smiled to myself as I put my baggy hoodie over my head. 

Niall and I have gotten a lot closer for the past few weeks. Ever since that night we spent together, we talked and hung out a lot more. During the mornings, we ate breakfast together with some of the boys, but usually it was just me and him in the buffet at the hotel. At their rehearsals or photoshoots, Niall and I had this secret language where we would make faces at each other to see who would crack a smile and laugh first. I usually lost during this game. Sometimes during the night, he would invite me to watch movies or play on the Xbox with them. I think I was catching feelings for him the past few days, I'd be stupid if I didn't. But I can't be too sure. 

I finally got ready and was in the mood for my everyday morning run. Niall opened the door for me as I grabbed my water bottle off the counter and left the room first, followed by Niall closing the door behind us. We walked down the hall and my shoulder was brushing against his arm. We were walking in sync and I was fumbling with my hands and my phone in my hooded sweater pocket.

We reached the elevator and entered the empty lift. I pressed the lobby button and rested my side on one of the elevator's walls. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I took it out of my pocket to see who emailed me. I opened up the mail app and it was from Carol.

To: Arianna W.

From: Carol S.

Schedule for today! You're doing well! It's almost been a month! Congrats! 

12:00PM - 5:00PM : Photoshoot and videotaping for World Tour.

You and the boys have a break for a week after today! Enjoy it! P.S. Once the boys check out of the hotel for their break, we no longer pay for yours and their stay. So if you're still planning to stay at the hotel during your vacation, you'll have to pay yourself! Enjoy your day! x

"Is that our schedule for today?" I heard Niall say from next to me.

I nodded and emailed a quick thank you to Carol before reciting the schedule to the Irish boy. 

"You have a photoshoot to get to in 3 hours. Then you guys are done for this week! You have a week off!" 

Niall cheered and grinned at me as I told him this. I could tell that the boys were getting awfully exhausted these past few weeks. Constant rehearsals, promos, interviews, photoshoots, and recording; I'd be tired also. As a matter of fact, I've been getting just as exhausted as them. Managing a boyband is hard work. It may look like you're just bring them to places, but you also have to plan out their concert dates, do damage control for a vicious rumor, or making sure the boys don't get out of line. Every once in awhile I feel like I was their babysitter, yet I'm older than most of them. 

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