Somewhere ch- 7

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Panic filled my body causing me to stiffen in the seat. It would have been bad enough riding with Aden but James hated me. The car was quiet unlike his brother's truck so the silence seemed more awkward.

"Where do you live?"

Feeling embarrassment about my home would be pointless considering the night's events so I told him. "I live at the BayViewTrailer Park on highway three twenty." Again our silence filled the air, the only noise coming from the windshield wipers swiping back and forth. The rain had started falling in sheets now. Looking out my own window I tried to push away the urge to cry again.

Suddenly the brakes locked sending me toward the dash. Luckily the seatbelt held me back. I stifled a cry as James cussed loudly.

"You all right?" his voice sounded a lot like Aden's.

"Yeah, but what's going on?" I looked out the window seeing the flashing lights ahead of me. Both police and ambulances covered the street.

"Looks like a wreck."

Straining to make out the vehicles in the dim light I sat up. The flashing red lights of the ambulance mixed with the blue ones of the police creating an almost disco effect on the wet pavement. A red car sat with the hood crushed in like it had impacted another vehicle.  A Flash of a light at James' window drew both our attention. The police man holding the long light stooped over slightly. His hat was covered in plastic but he didn't have on any rain protection on his uniform.

"Turn on your flashers son to help warn the other drivers."

"What happened officer?" James asked politely as the flashes blinked to life.

"We had some pile up a while ago. There are one dead and another barely hanging on." He seemed disgusted as he added. "That's what drinking does for you when you crawl behind the wheel." Whipping his head around he spoke into the radio on his collar. "Okay you can go on just follow the lights as we motion you through." He slapped the car top as he stood waving the bright beam at the path he wanted up to take. Entering the other lane we slowly moved forward pass the red car.

"I'm sorry I called you a whore Sammie. I had no right. I don't even know you." He paused. "It's just Aden knows better than to pull this shit. It was him I was mad at not you." His words were drowned out by the beating of my heart in my ears though.

The tears of what had happened earlier seemed so childish as we passed the Ambulance. The doors were open and the men sat back from working on the person. Someone closed the door. It all seemed so unreal like it was happening in slow motion. As we neared the truck I noticed it had been hit in the side, T-boned by the red car. The metal was crumbled up inside the cab; where the driver should have sat a hole gapped open. It was a small truck with mismatched doors and rusty paint.

Screaming with all my voice I plead with James to stop the car. Ripping the door open I tried to jump out only to realize the set belt held me. Fumbling with the strap I cried loudly.

"What the hell's going on Sammie?" He begged for an answer.

All I could manage was to say, "M-my dad..." The sobs took over as I ran through the rain. The ambulance driver stood at the back of the remaining one talking to an officer. Tearing at the door I tried to open it but could not.

"Hold on miss! What are you doing?" the police man called out to me. Turning to face him as the rain washed away my tears. I pleaded with him to let me see my dad.

"What's his name?

"D-Dallas Jones."

The two men looked at each other before the policeman spoke. "He's not in there miss." Hope filled me briefly. "I am sorry to tell you but he was dead on impact..." the rest of his words fell on deaf ears.

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