Jaron's pov

I was annoyed now. I had just been sitting there, under a tree in the fields of Asphodel, when all of a sudden, there was a searing pain in my temple. I doubled over and screamed. I had felt pain before, but nothing like this. This made my heart race and my body protest, and yet I didn't even have a heart or a body. I heard Roden and Mott scream. Then everything was nothingness.

It was like that for I don't even know how long. Black, soundless. There was nothing. I would drift in and out of consciousness, and occasionally I would hear voices. They were muffled as though they were underwater.

The next thing I knew I was lying on grass. Actual grass. That was my first hint that I was alive. The second was that my right leg hurt. Some years ago Roden shattered my leg in a failed attempt to keep me in one place long enough to kill me. I didn't stay put and managed to talk reason into him. The third hint was when I opened my eyes. I saw green grass, full big trees, my horse Mystic, and people. I actually looked like I did when I was 15. Odd. I had my satchel and sword, but no crown or crest ring. Okay not too bad, I could live with that.

I decided the people would probably have realized I was awake by now, so I just sat up. Sprawled out in front of me was Tobias, Amarinda and Imogen. I turned, and behind me Roden, Mott and...please no-I-wish-it-weren't, Fink my annoying buddy the rat boy. Wherever we were I just hope there aren't any of those, but knowing my luck there are plenty. I'd seen my fair share of rats. I looked left and found the other people. I turned right and standing there in dull light was none other than Bevin Conner.

I grabbed some small rocks and flung them one after the other at Roden. Finally he groaned. "What Jaron?" I flung another one. He looked up,"I said what!" I pointed, he looked. Within seconds he was on his feet, hand on his sword prepared to protect his king and I was bugging Tobias. He turned away and I threw three more. "What!" Since he was still turned I had to actually talk. I told him to look and he begrudgingly did. He gasped and crawled away, running into Imogen who then pushed him into Amarinda, and I just stood up.

I turned and faced Bevin. He was standing there, mouth agape. "What did you do this time Bevin?" He apparently was too shocked to think straight.
"How, a-a- what? But this is impossible! That's not what I bargained!"
"What do you mean 'what you bargained' Conner?"
"Jaron forgive me, but even in death you are insufferable. I made a deal with the Fates. They promised to get rid of you Jaron. It had nothing to do with them, that was just a bonus. Please forgive-" I started walking backwards towards Nico.
"I don't want to hear it Bevin." I grabbed Nico's black sword in my right hand and lunged, destroying the illusion. I tossed the sword back to Nico and helped the others up. Except Fink who was already up and trying to mimick Roden and Mott.

Fourteen - A Percy Jackson crossover fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now