Chapter 6

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"I could've had it if it wasn't for him!", I ranted to Jeno. "If only he didn't call the teacher and gather like EVERYONE's attention, then I'm positive the teacher wouldn't have noticed. And now I have to work on an assignment with him."

For our English project, the teacher decided to pair us up and she chose to pair Devils with Angels. Just my luck, I got paired with Haechan. I looked at him mocking one of the devils and having a good laugh out of it. I looked around and saw some angels, and even devils, whispering while pointing at me. I knew they were talking about what had happened in the morning. When I looked back at Haechan, he was already chatting with Jaemin. "But he's not that bad, right?"

I scoffed at what Jeno said. "He is not like a bully but he's not like an angel either. I just can't stand him and his immature acts." Jeno looked at where I was looking and he smiled when he saw Jaemin walked towards him.  I sighed and left him. There is no point chatting to him when he is with Jaemin, his attention would be all on the person coming towards us. With the rest of my lunch break, I decided to go to the music room, a room I often go to when I'm alone. I have grown an interest in playing the guitar but I don't have the money to buy one so I usually practice by myself in the music room during lunch break.  I played aimlessly for the rest of my free time, thinking about my life right now, my friends, my job, my school, and many more things. 

The bell rang and I went to my next class which was Mathematics. When I went in, I saw Jaemin and Jeno chatting in the back, or should I say flirting ;). "Hey Lovebirds!", I greeted them and sat at an empty seat in front of Jaemin. They turned a shade of bright red. 

"We are not dating.", Jaemin clarified while turning to me.

"Never said you were." I said with a grin while taking out my books and stationaries. "But do continue flirting. Don't let my presence bother you." 

"You ruined it" Jeno said and smacked my back. 

"I see... so you were flirting!"

"No!" They shouted in unison and looked away. I laughed so hard internally as I saw them trying so hard to not meet each other's eyes. It's so obvious they like each other and even Haechan could agree on that.  I chuckled and faced forwards as the teacher came in and started the lesson. 

After the school had ended, I was walking through the hallway to get out of school, stopping by the locker to pick up some books. My wrist still stings from the uneventful morning. Not only did it bleed from this morning, being the clumsy person I am, I had accidently trip over my own foot and fell on that wrist so not only did it ached, it stung too. I felt someone tap my bag and turned around to see Haechan.

"English Assignment. Friday, after school. My house." He simply said and left. He left me speechless. Not only did he not ask my permission or opinion, he didn't even give me time to refuse. I had work afterschool and I can't really skip on it because , one, I don't want to get on my manager's bad side though I have a feeling I'm already on that list, and two, I need the money. I was thinking about ways to work the original amount of hours but still be able to do the English assignment on Friday and the best thing I could think of is rescheduling my shift. I guess I'll be working on weekends too. I let out a small ok even though I knew he couldn't hear me. 

Getting my manager to change my shift this week was relatively difficult. At first, my manager said, "Missing your shift would result to a decrease on your salary." and I've already earned so little, so I tried to compromise with the manager. Not only am I moving my shift to Saturday, I would also be working on Sunday. So, basically, I work double the time but still receive my original salary. The manager finally accepted my offer but I know I might regret it later. Oh well... I'll deal with that problem later. Right now I have to deal with my current problem. I am feeling exhausted from school and my wrist still stung and ached. Luckily, Today we had less customers so my work wasn't as hard as what usually would've been. After finishing work, I headed straight home and did my usual catching up on studies. 

The rest of the week went unexpectedly smooth and suddenly it was already Friday. The cut on my wrist had healed and now it was just a scar that is aching and tired. I stopped by my locker to put some books before entering my first class. As I entered the Korean Classroom, Haechan walked up to me. "Don't forget after school, meet me in front of the school." he said pointing at me with his pen before going back to his seat. I walked to an empty seat at the corner of the class near the window and took out my books. I felt a vibration in my pocket and decided to check the notification on my phone. 

I got a message from Taeyong : "Hey Mark. U visiting the Bar later?"

I replied : " Sry hyung. I have a groupwork in my classmates house after school. I dont think I could go to the bar today."

The rest of the school time went on pretty smoothly. No Bullying. No trouble. No detention. And just minor teasing and whispering. The bullies, obviously, kept mocking me for being weak but they hadn't lay a hand on me all day. Jeno kept begging me to tell the teachers about the bullies but I just shrugged him off. I knew the teachers could do nothing about those angels. 

After school, I had met up with Haechan in front of the school. We rode the taxi to his house and I was baffled at the price of the ride. I was even more shocked at the size of Haechan's house. It was way bigger that my apartment. When we went in, I was amazed by the interior. His house was nice and modern with gadgets I've never seen before. So this how it was living with money. 

"Quit looking around as if you've never seen a house before." Well technically I've never really been inside a house before. "Put your bag in the living room and start working on the project." He went up presumably to change as I took out my notebook and stationaries. My assumptions were proved true when he came down wearing a grey hoodie and sweatpants, something more comfortable than the jeans and denim jacket he wore beforehand. For our English assignment, the teacher asked us to write about a conflict in the world and to solve it. Of course, I brought up the topic about Devils getting mistreated. Haechan argue that Angels are only treating Devils like how they were treated. At the end, instead of finding solution, we ended up arguing whether devils deserved to be treated like how we are treated currently. In the midst of our argument, the front door opened.


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