Chapter 11

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As I was scrolling through my phone while sitting on the couch of the cafe's staff room, I heard the washroom door open and someone slowly going out.

"Uhhhh... Thanks f-for the yeah..."

I looked up to see Mark awkwardly glance around while his fingers nervously play with the hem of my grey hoodie, looking everywhere except at me. I never noticed this but Mark is small, not extremely small, but still smaller than the average students our age. My grey hoodie was engulfing his slim figure, the hem reaching his mid-thigh and the sleeves forming paws at the ends. I could tell he was embarrassed by the blush settling on his high cheekbones and the fact that he couldn't look at me in the eye. His dark brown hair was slightly ruffled, a sign that he had run his hand through his hair a couple times. He looks kinda cute with my hoodie on...

Wait what? I did not just say that. Nope I didn't. Cute? Pft- where?! Nope not cute. Not cute at all. I bet it's the hoodie. Yup. Definitely the hoodie. What can I say, my hoodie is pretty cute. I bought it from-

"Well umm... I probably should get back to work...?" He said, well more like questioned, with a tiny voice, snapping me out of my thoughts. I didn't know what to say back to him. An awkward silence engulfed us with no one saying anything. Mark was just staring at the floor with his eyes furrowed, probably thinking of what to say, and I was just staring him expecting him to say something and get back to his job. I was dying inside at how uncomfortable the tension was in the air. 

"MARK LEE GET BACK TO WORK", the manager, thankfully, said. I was about to make a run for the back door to get away from the awkward situation.

"Um yeah. I guess I have to go now. Um I'll give back the hoodie at school tomorrow. Thank you... Um see you later i guess..." And with that he scurried away to continue working.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Well that was awkward... While shifting around and contemplating what I just did, I realized I was still in the staff room of the cafe. I hastily took my bag that I had placed on the couch earlier and went through the cafe's back door so I wouldn't meet Mark on my way out. I went out and took a breath of fresh air. 'Well that was uneventful!", I thought as I made my way to Chenle's house. I promised him I would help him with his science assignment.

I stopped in front of a huge white house, went through the black gates and rang the doorbell. "Hey Haechan-hyung! Thanks for coming, come on in!" Chenle said excitedly as he invited me into his ginormous house, if you could call it that. Honestly it's more like a mansion. I noticed the house was calm and peaceful as if Chenle was the only one living there and I know for a fact that Chenle doesn't live alone. "Are your parents not at home?", I asked him.

"Oh, mother and father are going on another business trip to China so I'm all alone here...again..." He explained, huffing sadly, glaring at nothing. I understand his struggle of not seeing your parent for half your life, my mother left when I was young and father is usually halfway across the globe doing business trips, so I decided to distract him out of his misery and get on with the tutoring.

"Chenle! Focus!" I said for the hundredth time today. Yet again he got distracted and I had to pull him back on track before his train of thought went too far. 

I spent the whole day teaching Chenle Science and, to be honest, he isn't the worst person I've tutored before, he just can't seem to focus. Every-so-often he would start to ramble things that are not exactly related to the topic. For example, when I was explaining about the mitochondria. I ended up listening to Chenle explain how Jisung was also his powerhouse and how Jisung keeps him energized throughout his extremely boring life. I don't get why they don't just date already, yes I ship them together and no it's not like I support an angel-devil relationship but they're cute together so I don't mind, but that's besides the point. 

Jisung and Chenle has been friends for as long as I know them. Both always together bickering about some random nonsense like a married couple. As far as I know, everyone in our friend group ship them together. They make a good pair. Jisung who would do everything to make sure Chenle stays smiling and Chenle who would not hesitate to roast a bish to protect Jisung from any kind of hate. Sadly both are completely oblivious and dense. Chenle regularly complains to me on the phone about how Jisung only sees him as a friend. Meanwhile Jisung would say that it's just Chenle's personality to defend what he thinks is right. I can't help but mentally face palm at how oblivious they are. 

Of course, I can't exactly say anything. I'm not even in a relationship! Where is my love life? I'm beginning to think that it's nonexistent. I've been single for as long as I know. I have had a couple crushes and even relationships before, but those were never serious, they were more like a mere elementary-like love life rather than an actual relationship. I've never settled in on a serious relationship before and besides, I don't have enough time to get dazed in a love life. I still have to finish school and make sure I get accepted and graduate in one of the top universities to make father time. I can't waste my time and energy to get into a relationship.

HAPPY FULLSUN DAY!!! Happy 22nd birthday to the one and only Lee Donghyuck, Lee Haechan, the pudu, the baby beat, the ace, my bias-wrecker, the second main character in this fic, etc.

On the other note, TYSM ya'll for 900+ reads<3 Sorry I haven't been updating. I may or may not be out of ideas😅 but I'm trying. Btw can someone recommend me a bottom Mark fanfic 😂 I'm bottom Mark deprived. LOL anyway... thx again for the reads and votes 💚

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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