Chapter 3

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The first lesson was history and we were all silently taking notes from our textbook as Mr. Kim watched the class like a hawk. In my opinion, Mr. Kim's probably one of the scariest teacher in our grade. In the middle of the silence, someone barged into class. 

"Sorry Mr. Kim, I'm late." Mark came in looking like he just ran a mile. Somehow I instantly felt like teasing him.

"Hey Devil, Looking a bit tired over there." I teased. He glared at me and took his seat beside me. Seeing his reaction, I decided to annoy him further. Because I've finished writing my notes, I decided to stare at him. It is honestly pathetic. He was wearing a hoodie and sweatpants. Like who goes to school using that. I passed him a note that said: 'How poor are you? Can't even afford a t-shirt and jeans?' He crumpled up the paper and threw it back at me. He looked very much annoyed so I smirked at him.

He continued with his work but the more I stare at him the more annoyed he gets. He looks so red from frustration and I knew I hit his limit. As I expected, He snapped at me, "Can't you mind your own business?!" and not only did he get the attention of the teacher, He got the attention of the whole class. Bingo! 

"Mark Lee! Don't you have anything else to do than disturb the whole class?! You were already late, and now you are disturbing the class! Go report to the principle's office." The teacher scolded.

Mark groaned and glared at me as he went out of the class. I smirked, satisfied that I annoyed him. It's not my fault he got sent to the principle's office. Devils like him just have short tempers and snaps at anyone who annoys them. I've learned it all from my father, they just mean no good.  I carried on with the lesson with a grin on my face.

After class, I met up with Jaemin for break. "So how was your little date with them?" I asked him teasingly.

"It's not a date, I don't like Jeno and Renjun!" Jaemin answered.

I smirked, "I never said it was Renjun and Jeno, I just said 'them' ". Jaemin groaned realizing his mistake. "I see that you wish to go on a date with them. And you said you didn't like them.  Don't worry honey, you are still realizing." Jaemin then smacked me with a book as I laugh it off. He is seriously not sneaky at all. 

Going into the canteen, I saw the usual group of friends sitting on a table in the corner, laughing at something. "Hey guys! What are you all laughing about?" I said and noticed that suddenly the atmosphere became a bit tense.

"Nothing you need to know." The devil himself said, coldly. I don't see how Jaemin finds him nice and kind cause the only thing I see is a pain in the ass. 

"Ooh.. Someone's grouchy. What got you twisted. Oh wait.. Let me guess, you just got detention?" I said grinning proudly hoping to get him frustrated. 

He put on a  smile and said,  "Yup! All thanks to you, Mr. Perfect Angel who just loves getting people into trouble. Now if you excuse me, I have to go." He got up and walked out of the canteen. How dare he act like that to me. 

"Running away I see, sore loser." I shouted after him and laughed as I saw him huff and clenched his fist. I felt satisfied once again. "He is just too easy to get to.", I chuckled.

"You know, Hyuck. What you did right there was quite mean.", Renjun said, concered for Mark. 

"Don't worry about it. I'm just teasing him, he'll be fine." I said, brushing the matter off. I noticed that he was still worried. "If you're that worried about your boyfriend, why don't you chase after him?" 

"He's not my boyfriend. I don't even like him. I just pity him for tolerating you." He said and continued eating looking less worried. For the rest of the break, we chatted about random things like we always do. 

After school was done at 2 o'clock, my brother and I went home. He went somewhere like he often does and I went up to my room. I did my homework and studied hard. It's not like there is an exam, It's just that my father has very high expectations of me. He wanted me to take over his business once I graduate my education. Why me and not my brother? My brother isn't the most serious person about school. He loves going out to somewhere I don't know of and rarely studies. Its a wonder how he gets high scores. 

As I said, my father always had high expectations. He always say things like "You wouldn't want to  end up as those devils in the dumps right." or things like "Who would continue my business if both of my sons are failures." and that puts a lot of pressure on me to be the best in the class. My friends always tell me to loosen up and stop studying non-stop after school. That is why I chose have fun teasing and annoying my classmate Mark. I never expect nor that I want to sit with him during lunch, after all he is a cold-hearted devil. We just so happened to have mutual friends. If its not for Jaemin, I would most definitely sit farthest away from him. Who would want to sit with an annoying Devil anyway? 

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