44- Camping

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You packed all your supplies into the trunk of the car with a groan. Shawn was forcing you to go camping with him because apparently you spent too much time inside.

As far as you could tell, you hated camping. It didn't matter that you had never gone. Sleeping outside was the last thing you wanted to do but here you were.

"Stop frowning," He sighed, "You're gonna have fun, I promise."

You kept the frown on your face adding a little pout for dramatic measure.

When you got to the camping site you pleasantly surprised. You hadn't expected it to actually look nice. You had expected a forest. There were just a few tress around so it didn't techinically count as a forest.

"Here we are. See, it's not that bad," He said, grinning.

"Yeah, I guess," You said, begrudgingly.

You helped him set up the tents, although, by helping you really meant standing around and watching his arms flex as he worked. But you would never admit that out loud.

As it got darker, you helped him make the fire and this time, you actually helped. You were really excited to roast marshmellows because you had heard many stories bout how delicious his roasted marshmallows were.

Soon, you were sitting around the fire, eating marshmallows, and telling him how much you enjoyed being here. It was really nice to get away from everything and not have the pressure to check your phone every five seconds.

As you laid down in the tent getting ready to sleep, Shawn came in with an excited look on his face.

"What's up?" You asked.

"I just remembered something," He said, fiddling around with something on the top of the tent. Then, the flap ont eh top of the tent removed and you gasped when you looked up.

The stars had started filling up the stars and it was so beautiful. He laid down next to you with a smug look on his face.

"It's so beautiful up here."

"I know and the stars are so gorgeous," He said.

"Some might call them pieces of art," You said, cheekly as you quoted his song.


"I know, I'm pretty hilarious," You said with a laugh.

"Sure, whatever you say. Good night, sweetheart," He said, kissing you forehead.


🐤 🎀 ♡ 🎀 🐤

idk if these r too short or not lmao

also this book is almost donee :OOO

6 more chapters ;-;

n e wayss

recommended song iss

if i could fly by one direction ;-;

i love that song sm omg

like could u make me cry any harder :'(

April 7, 2021

- esther

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