28- Beach

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You were laying down on your towel getting a tan while your boyfriend, Shawn was swimming. He realized you were watching him and started making funny faces which made you laugh. Then he started jogging over to where you were laying.

"Hey, baby," he said as he reached where you were.

"Hi, what's up?" You said with a smile.

"Come swim with me."

"No, I'm trying to get a tan, now move out of the way you're blocking the sun." You told him.


"No buts."

"Sorry, but you left me no choice," he said.

"What do you- AHHH! Shawn put me downnn!" You yelled.

"Sorry baby but no we're at the beach to have fun and that's what we're gonna do." He said and you groaned.

"Fine." You said, caving in.

So he carried to the water and ungracefully dropped you there.

"Shawnnnn!" You groaned as you hit the water.

"What?" He said with a cheeky smile, "Are you not having fun?"

"I hate you," you grumbled.

"Love you too," he grinned.

You then splashed him with water as a wicked smile took over your face.

"Did you just-"

"Yup! Is that a problem?"

"Yes, it is," he replied then splashed water on you.

"Shawn!" You squealed.

"The water is freezing!"

"Well now you know how it feels," he said, with a smug look on his face.

You splashed even more water on him. And he splashed back. You kept going back and forth squealing when the cold water hit your skin until both of your hands were hurting.

"Ok, that's enough my hands hurt." You told him and he nodded in agreement.

"Race you!"

You quickly raced out of the water giggling as your feet hit the sand.

"Why are you going so slow, baby?" He taunted and you picked up your speed.

Then you jumped on him causing the both of you to fall to the ground, laughing.

"Why did you do that?" He asked though breaths of laughter.

"Cause I wanted to," You said.

He rolled his eyes but smiled, "I love you." He murmured.

"I love you more," You said.


🐤 🎀 ♡ 🎀 🐤


this was nice its ben a while since i wrote something cuz summer hw sucks :(( I'm already having hw problems and school hasn't even started

also like my jack avery book is almost finished well I finished writing it I just haven't finished publishing it so um read it thank u :))

n e wayss 

recommended song isss

love again by new hope club

I love that song smm hehe


also can yall vote or comment so I know someone is reading this? thank u:)

August 22, 2020

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