8- Broken Up /5/

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~Many Years Later~

"Mommy, mommy. Wake up." You woke up to the sound of your 4-year-old daughter Skylar jumping on your bed.

You groaned but sat up.

"Good morning honey." You said, "What's up?"

Just then you heard the sound of Shawn and your 6-year-old son Sam singing while walking in and holding a cake.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear mommy. Happy birthday to you."

You smiled remembering today was your birthday.

"Thank you all so much."

"Blow your candles mommy," Skylar said.

"I will. Thank you for reminding me." You said scooping her into a hug and leaning over to blow the candles on the cake.

"Happy birthday, princess," Shawn said kissing you.

You smiled. "Thank you."

"Ew stop kissing," Skylar said struggling to get out of your hug.

"Sky be careful remember your little sister is in mommy's tummy," Shawn told her.

*A/N wonder how it got there ;)

"It's fine Shawn." You said.

"Happy birthday mommy." Both Sam and Skylar hugged you.

"Thank you. Both of you."

"Follow me for cake," Shawn yelled going downstairs causing the both of them to run after him.

You laughed and got out of bed also following them downstairs.

You watched as Shawn cut a piece of cake for each of them and then came over to give you a piece of cake.


"Anything for you darling." He said and kissed you.

"Presents! Mommy come open your presents." Skylar exclaimed, "Daddy can you please go get mommy's presents?"

Shawn nodded and went to get them.

"So what is the present?" You asked.

"It's a secret. So we can't tell you." Said Skylar.

You looked at Sam and he shook his head. "Sorry, mommy but daddy said not to tell you."

"Awe.. guess I'll just have to wait."

"Here you go hun." Shawn said, handing me a wrapped gift.

"I wonder what it is." You said.

You opened the gift and saw a handmade card on top of a box. It was a drawing of your family. It was probably drawn by Skylar. She was the only one that could draw in your family despite the fact that she was 4 years old.

You opened the box and inside it was a pair of earrings, a beautiful necklace with yours, and Shawn's initials engraved on it.

Then at the bottom of the box were four tickets that said to Paris, France. You gasped and looked up at Shawn who was smiling.

"Paris?" You asked in disbelief, "We're going again?"

He nodded. "Back to the place where it all started."

"Thank you so much for this. I love you all." You said, wiping the tears off your face.

"You're welcome, Mommy. Do you like my picture?" Skylar asked.

"Yes, honey I love it." You said then you stood up, "In fact, I love it so much I'll put it on the fridge. So everyone can know that Skylar is the best artist in the world."

She giggled and jumped up and down. "Yay."

You used a magnet to attach it to the fridge and went back to where everyone was.

You gave them all a hug happy with the way your life was. Who would've thought that being Broken Up for a while would lead you and Shawn back together and make your love stronger than ever?

🐤 🎀 ♡ 🎀 🐤

see i promised it would be the last one now u cant smack me while im pooping hehe


June 25, 2020

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